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25. We should do something to help those_____ lost their homes in the terrible earthquake.

A. whom          B. which           C. who             D. /


24. She is creative. She enjoys ______ new ways of doing things.

A. turning off     B. trying out         C. trying on            D. turning on


23. The global price of oil _______ from $147 per barrel to $40 per barrel during the last ten months.

A. has fallen     B. will fall     C. fell          D. had fallen


22. There is a big stone ______. Let’s move it away.

A. on the way       B.      by the way       C. in some ways       D. in the way


21. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, ______ was very reasonable.

A. which price     B. its price           C. whose price        D. the price of whose


20. Many great artists have held a number of exhibitions across the world, _________ Chinese art.

A. protesting       B. practicing         C. permitting         D. promoting


19. Sally worked in the evening to finish her report _____ her boss could read it first the next morning.

A. so that         B. because          C. before           D. or else


18. From the top of Mount Tai you can get a particular wonderful _______ of sunrise.

A. scenery        B. sightseeing       C. view         D. eyesight


17. David’s mother is telling about his son’s _____ progress at school in an _____ voice.

A. amazing; excited                    B. amazed; exciting

C. amazing; exciting                   D. amazed; excited


I. 单项选择 (1*15,共15分)

16. Tianjin is located ____ the south of Beijing. You can get there ____ an hour by train.

A. in , in          B. on, within         C. on, by            D. in, after

