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1.         a. 实际的 现实的


5. When can students donate money?    A. Before May 1, 2006.         B. From May 20 to June 4.    C. Only on June 6, 2006.        D. Right now.


Welcome to My Life


最近迅速蹿红且蜚声国际乐坛的Simple Plan("简单计划"),是一支来自加拿大且颇具实力的流行朋克团体。他们的形象正如他们的团队名字一样简单而亲切。其简洁有力的音乐作品以诙谐幽默的措辞道出了正值青春期的少年们心中的焦虑、不满,以及对未来的憧憬、对人生价值的探讨。在一个个简单动听的音符背后,隐藏着的是一颗颗并不简单的心灵。

   Do you ever feel like breaking down    Do you ever feel out of place    Like somehow you just don’t belong     And no one understands you    Do you ever want to run away     Do you lock yourself in your room    With the radio on turned up so loud     That no one hears you screaming     No you don’t know what it’s like     When nothing feels all right     You don’t know what it’s like     To be like me     To be hurt, to feel lost     To be left out in the dark     To be kicked when you’re down     To feel like you’ve been pushed around     To be on the edge of breaking down     And no one’s there to save you     No you don’t know what it’s like    Welcome to my life

   Notes:1. break down 崩溃2. push around 摆布


A letter to headmaster

Dear headmaster, Iam a middle school student, Now chatting online and playing computer games are very popural among middle school students.Someof them spend most of the time to play computer games,some of them even forget to do their homework.It costs a lot money,but as a student ,we don't have enough money.So somestudents often ask their parents for money,some students even steal money.I't bad for our health and studies.So Ihope we should call on them to keep away from it as soon as possible.Then we should study hard.

My High School Life

   Everything is new when I am admitted to Kansas High School. I have to be a quick learner and get used to this new style of life. Independence is the first thing that I learn in high school. Unlike a little child who always stays with parents, I live with my classmates at school. I learn how to make plans for my school life. For example, I spend 2 hours in the library every afternoon in order to improve my history and literature. They used to be my weak subjects but now I want to improve them. However, my school life doesn’t only mean study. I attend the tennis club, and play tennis every Friday afternoon. It is no doubt that I will be good at it a few months later. High school life is exciting and I really enjoy it.


4. If students want to get more information about food donation, they can____.    A. call Connie Kraut at 763-557-7295    B. call Susan Fleming at 763-557-7295    C. send E-mails to sm.fleming@    D. send E-mails to krautmom@


3. What can students do at the party?    A. They can enjoy delicious food.    B. They can watch movies.    C. They can get a prize for their donation.    D. They can donate food after the party.


2. What should students be aware of when they attend the party?    A. Students should attend the party on April 14.    B.Only new students are invited to the party.    C.Students must be registered before attending.    D.Students should wear their own suits or dresses to attend the party.


1. settle vi. 意思是"安家;定居"(指在经过漂泊之后在某地安家)。例如:

After years of travel, we decided to settle here.



听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选


1. What is the woman doing now?

  A. Washing clothes    B. Cooking the meal    C. Doing some shopping

2. What does the man mean?

  A. His old car is good.  B. He is to get married   C. He hasn’t enough money

3. Where is the man most probably now?

  A. In a hotel      B. In a store       C. At a meeting

4. When is the man’s birthday?

  A. On April 4th     B. On April 5th      C. On April 6th

5. How much will the man pay?

  A. 120 dollars      B.360 dollars       C. 240 dollars


2. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of one's own. 用同样的钱,一个人可以在乡下买到一幢有属于自己的花园的小屋子。(Line 5, Passage D)

  of one's own 意为“属于自己的”。He?d like a car of his own. 他想有辆属于自己的汽车。on one's own 意为“独自地;单独地”。She lives on her own. 她独自过日子。with one's own eyes 意为“亲眼”。I saw it with my own eyes. 那是我亲眼所见。on one's own time 意为“用自己的课余时间”。 If you want to play football, you?ll have to do it on your own time. 如果你想踢足球,你只能用课余时间去踢。

