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3. tough  adj.艰苦的


2. guy  n.家伙,人


1. uptown  adj.原意指"非商业区的"。美国有上城、中城、下城之分。上城即uptown,为城市核心区,是富裕阶层居住的地方。反之,下城downtown为贫穷阶层居住地。


2. 功能

1) 现在完成进行时表示一个从过去某时开始发生,一直延续到现在并可能继续延续下去的动作。如:

I’ve been waiting for an hour but she still hasn’t turned up.

How long have you been doing this job?

2) 表示动作刚刚结束。如:

My clothes are wet. I’ve been walking in the rain.

They have been talking about the book.

3) 表示某种感情色彩。如:

She’s been saying that twenty times. (厌倦)

You have been giving me everything. (感激)

I have been wanting to see you for a long time. (愿望)

4) 表示一个过去动作对现在的影响或造成的结果(相当于现在完成时)。如:

He has been doing too much work.

The girl’s eyes are red. She has been crying.

5) 表示重复(指断断续续,而非一直不停)。如:

We’ve been discussing the matter several times this year.

She has been phoning David every night for the past two weeks.

注意:表示知觉、情感的状态动词如see, feel, know, love等,不能用于现在完成进行时。

[影音留声 ]  Uptown Girl


   歌曲“Uptown Girl”是Westlife的第八首冠军歌曲。这首由Billy Joel创作并演唱的经典歌曲在2001年由Westlife翻唱。Westlife的活泼演绎和歌曲轻快的曲调,使得这首单曲荣登了2001年音乐排行榜榜首。Westlife,这支世界顶尖乐队的明星们将这首单曲的所得利润全部捐给了福利机构。这一举动使他们在大众眼中成为了爱与温暖的化身。

   Uptown girl

   She’s been living in her uptown world

   I bet she never had a backstreet guy

   I bet her mama never told her why

   I’m gonna try for an uptown girl

   She’s been living in her white bread world

   As long as anyone with hot blood can

   And now she’s looking for a downtown man

   That’s what I am

   And when she knows what

   She wants from her time

   And when she wakes up

   And makes up her mind

   She’ll see I’m not so tough

   Just because I’m in love with an uptown girl

   You know I’ve seen her in her uptown world

   She’s getting tired of her high class toys

   And all her presents from her uptown boys

   She’s got a choice

   Uptown girlYou know I can’t afford to buy her pearls

   But maybe some day when my ship comes in

   She’ll understand what kind of guy I’ve been

   And then I’ll winAnd when she’s walking

   She’s looking so fine

   And when she’s talking

   She’ll say that she’s mine

   She’ll say I’m not so tough

   Just because I’m in love with an uptown girl

   She’s been living in her white bread world

   As long as anyone with hot blood can

   And now she’s looking for a downtown man

   That’s what I am

   Uptown girl

   She’s my uptown girl

   You know I’m in love

   With an uptown girl

   My uptown girl

   You know I’m in love(repeat ...)



1. 构成have / has been + 动词的现在分词


3. artificial  adj.人工的


2. limb  n.肢


1. contribution n.贡献


4. Which would be the best title for this passage?

   A. Africa’s Children -Struggling to Survive

   B. AIDS -the Silent Killer

   C. Miracles in East Africa

   D. Unfortunate Africans

[ 写作点评 ]  My Contributions to the World  

How will I make the future world a better place? By trying my best to develop technology to help others. Ever since I was about eleven years old I’ve wanted to go into medicine, so that I can help those who are ill. When I went on a tour at a local hospital, I knew that my future career would involve medical technology. I decided to be a doctor in the future. I hope to use technology to help people who have lost limbs regain their sense of touch by artificial means.

   I know, however, that to achieve such a goal will take a long time and I need to study very hard. Realizing this has helped me stay strong in my studies. After I go to a good university, I will learn the necessary skills to be a doctor. One day in the future, I will make great contributions to the whole world. I will make the patients who have lost limbs smile and show them the happiness that can be gained by feeling normal again and no longer feeling like "different people"in society.


