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3. What’s the Chinese meaning of the word infancy?

   A. 初期     B. 晚期    C.成熟期    D. 设想期


2. Compared with human arms, the robotic arm ______ .

   A. shakes and moves more easily

   B. holds more endoscopes at a time

   C. needs bigger cuts to enter patients’body

   D. locates spots more safely and exactly


1. What’s the main idea of this passage?

   A. How robots help doctors take care of patients in China.

   B. How robots help doctors improve operation safety and efficiency.

   C. What kinds of robots are used in American and Chinese hospitals.

   D. The development of robotic assistance in Chinese hospitals.


3. surgeon  n.外科医生

   词数144 处理时间2' 24''


2. endoscope  n.内窥镜


1. surgery  n.外科手术


1、[单选]本文词数:296  参考时间:2'17''

   Robots are no longer just characters in science fiction novels or films. Now they are important helpers in real life. Zhongshan Hospital is the only hospital in China to have introduced a robotic system from abroad to assist with heart surgery. More than 30 heart disease patients have had operations with robotic assistance. All have reported good results. The technology, developed by the United States, has only been in use since the late 1990s. Zhongshan Hospital bought it in 2000. During surgery, a robotic arm holds the endoscope under the direction of the surgeon, who controls the surgical tools. The surgery team can be reduced from four to two people. "Because it is a machine, the robotic arm is more exact and can improve safety,"said Zhao Qiang, a surgeon at Zhong-shan Hospital. "It won’t shake or make a big move that hurts the patient. It also remembers the important spots and quickly goes exactly where I want it to."

   As the system is still in its infancy, doctors are only using it on selected patients, generally those who are younger and stronger. The system still needs to be improved. Experts believe that robotic assistance in surgery is the future of medicine, since most operations only need small cuts. Doctors only need to make three small cuts in the chest, allowing for the entrance of the endoscope and two surgical tools.After that, they can do the operation freely. Scientists in the US have now developed a more advanced robotic system. It has three arms and takes the lead surgeon’s place. The surgeon doesn’t need to use a knife to do the operation himself. Instead, he can look at the screen and give orders to control the robot. The hospital plans to buy one within three years.



1. 是爱,带我们冲上云霄,回到我们所属的地方,来到那苍鹰翱翔的山之巅


4. What do we learn from the passage about Stephen Hawking?

   A. He graduated from Cambridge at first.

   B. He got a serious disease after he got married.

   C. His disease was cured with new technology.

   D. He is an expert on the study of the universe.

[ 写作点评 ]  Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks

   When people ask, "Who is Rosa Parks?"Many students in America may answer, "my role model"or "a hero".

   Rosa Parks is often considered as just these things, remembered as the black woman who refused to give up her bus seat to a white man in 1955. Rosa Louise McCauley was born on February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee, Alabama.

   With her husband, Raymond Parks, she settled in Montgomery and joined the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). She served as secretary of the NAACP.

   On Thursday, December 1, 1955, 43-year-old Parks was on a bus home after work. She was sitting in the fifth row of the bus, along with three other black people. The bus was full, and one white man was left standing. The bus driver told the four black people to move. Three did, but Parks refused. She was arrested for it.

   On November 13, 1956, the Supreme Court set her free and gave black people the right to sit on buses along with white people.

   In 1957, Parks and her husband founded the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self-development, offering guidance to young African Americans in leadership and careers. After her husband died in 1997, Rosa continued to work for people who needed her help until her death in 2005 at the age of 92.


   NAACP (美国)全国有色人种促进会

