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13.  care for 关心、照料、喜欢、愿意(用于肯定句、疑问句中,不用被动)

care to do sth.想要、愿意 (用于否定句、疑问句)

①[U] 接近……的机会 Every student has free ~ to the library.


12. difficulty  n. 作抽象意义时[U]; 作具体意义[C]。

       with difficulty ; without difficulty

       get / run into difficulties

       out of a / the difficulty ; in a difficulty


have some [much , little ,no] difficulty (in) doing sth.

find some [much , little ,no] difficulty (in) doing sth.

There be difficulty (in) doing sth.

care about  关心、在乎 (常用于否定、疑问或条件句中);后接从句时about要省略。


11. promise       = give a promise  许下诺言

           keep / break a promise  守/违约

          carry out a promise     履行诺言

       promise (to be) +名词或形容词 :  有望……


10.             = You can’t depend on his coming on time.

               = You can’t depend on it that he will come on time.

It (all) depends. = That (all) depends. (口语)那得看情况(而定)。

be dependent on 视……而定、取决于……

           promise sb. sth.

promise to do sth.

           promise that -clause

           make a promise


9. process    [U,C]过程、程序 the ~ of development / making cake

           in (the) process of在进行中 


    depend on +      sb. to do sth.

               it that-clause 


                You can’t depend on him to come on time.


8.   despite = in spite of  后接短语

     though / although  后接从句


7.   be made up of = consist of = be composed of  由……组成


6.          ②收养(某人) They are not my real parents, I am adopted.

adapt    ① ~ (oneself) to 适应……

②adapt sth (for sth) 改编……(为……之用)


5. raise   ③种植(农作物等)、饲养(家禽等)、抚养(子女)~ wheat/ sheep/ five children

④筹集(资金)~ money

⑤唤起、引起 ~ a few laughs / fears

⑥提出(问题等)~ a question

adopt    ①采取、采纳  ~ a new teaching method / one’s idea


4.  rule    make it a rule to do sth. = make a rule of doing sth. 规定有做某事的习惯

under the rule of

by rule  按规定地

rule out  排除……

        ①举起  ~ your hand / a box

②提高(音量、价格、程度等) ~ the standard of living/ one’s voice/ the bus fares

