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2. - If he works harder, he ________ to succeed in science.

-Yes. He is _______ diligent than clever. 

A. hopes; much more              B. wishes; no more

C. promises; more               D. will be able; rather


1. Don’t worry. You’ll ________ after such a bad disease.

    A. take up                     B. pick up

C. put up                      D. give up


4. It happened that my new neighbor comes from my hometown.


[例1] He had to earn enough money to ______ his big family.

        A. feed                    B. raise

C. rise                     D. support




[例2] Many people in the west make _____ a rule to buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friends.       (2007泰州4月模拟卷)

        A. this                    B. it

C. that                    D. them


[要点精析]此处it是形式宾语,“to buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friends”为不定式短语,是真正的宾语,make it a rule to do sth.意为“规定有做某事的习惯”。





3. As a whole, the characters have developed from drawings into standard forms.


2. Despite/ In spite of this fact, French still had an impact on the English language


1. It is certain that we would not be able to understand it if we heard it today.


17. direction      但“在……指导下”要说 under the direction of



16.        That was her final judgment on the story ~. 这就是她对整个故事的最后判断。

on the whole = considering everything; general “总的说来”、“大体上”。一般作状语。

           ~, I’m in favor of the idea.大体说来,我赞成这个想法。

             ①朝……的方向 要用in … direction, 介词用in,不用to。

②“在……的帮助下”要说with the help of…;


15. action           ~s speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩;行动胜于空谈

③take action 采取行动

④in action在起作用;活动中

⑤put… in/ into action把……付诸实施

as a whole 表示把某事或某几件事当作一整体来看。即可作状语,也可作定语。

         We must examine these problems ~.  我们把这些问题作为一个整体来考察。


14. access    ②[U] 通道   This is the only ~ to the village.

③[U] (向场所等)接近 ~ to the cinema is quite easy.

①指行动的总称是不可数名词 What we need now is ~, not thought.


           He has done a mad ~ recently.

