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1. Which is the best title of this passage?

   A. Digital Workstyle

   B. How I work

   C. Tools at Microsoft

   D. Information Age




   Hello, I’m Bill Gates. We’re finally getting close to what I call a digital work-style. At Microsoft, e-mail is a medium of communication. I get about 100 e-mails a day. We use filtering to make e-mails come straight to me from anyone I’ve ever corresponded with, anyone from Microsoft and all the other partner companies, and anyone I know. I use tools like "in-box rules"and search folders to mark and group messages based on their contents and importance. So when I walk up to my desk, I can focus on the e-mails I’ve flagged and check the folders that are monitoring particular projects and particular blogs.

   Being flooded with information doesn’t mean we have the right information. I deal with this by using SharePoint, a tool that creates websites for collaboration on projects.

   Right now, I’m getting ready for Think Week. In May, I’ll go off for a week and read 100 or more papers from employees. It used to be an all-paper process in which I was the only one doing reading and commenting. Today the whole process is digital and open to the entire company. I’m now far more efficient in picking the right papers to read. I can add electronic comments everyone can see in real time.

   Another digital tool that has had a big effect on my work is desktop search. It has changed the way I get information on my PC and on the Internet. I simply type search terms into PC, and all the e-mails and documents that contain that information are at my fingertips.

   Paper is no longer a big part of my day. I get 90% of my news online. When I want to write things down, I use a note-taking piece of software called OneNote, so all my notes are in digital form.

   The only low-tech equipment in my office is a whiteboard. It’s great for brain-storming. The whiteboards in some Microsoft offices have the ability to capture an image and send it to the computer, almost like a huge Tablet PC. I don’t have that right now, but I’ll probably get a digital whiteboard next year.

   Notes:1. flag v.标记2. collaboration n.合作3. employee n.雇员

   Read the passage and choose the proper answer to each question.



5. We can infer from the passage that ________.

   A. only strong athletes can take part in the triathlon

   B. Julie Moss is so famous because she was an Ironman Champion

   C. some athletes began the triathlon in order to win Ironman World Champion

   D. the triathlon is a popular family sport

 [ 轻松一刻]   Cartoons


4. The underlined phrase "in good physical condition"in the last paragraph means ________.

   A. healthy            B. high-educated

   C. rich             D. having enough time


3. Who is Julie Moss?

   A. A beginner taking the three-sport race with her to Hawaii.

   B. An athlete crawling across the end point when she kept falling in 1982.

   C. An athlete taking part in the triathlon in the early 1970s.

   D. A reporter in charge of the televised performance in 1982.


2. The triathlon is a real challenge because _______.

   A. you must finish swimming, bicycling and running in 8 hours

   B.it is popular in the world

   C. it needs enough strength and will power

   D. it can make athletes excited


1. According to the passage, which is TRUE about the triathlon?

   A. It began earliest in the United States.

   B. It requires the athletes to finish three sports in about 8 hours.

   C. It can make the triathletes earn top salaries.

   D. It is the most popular sport in the Olympic Games.




   The triathlon is a popular sport which can really test an athlete’s body and mind.But it is very difficult because it includes three sports: swimming for 2.4 miles, bicycling for 112 miles, and running for 26.2 miles. The top athletes finish three events in about 8 hours. This sport is a real challenge because it takes a lot of strength and will power to compete.

   The triathlon began in California in the early 1970s. There, some athletes started the race because they wanted to make their training exciting. One of these athletes moved to Hawaii and took the sport with him. In 1978, the first professional triathlon race was held in Hawaii. It was called the Ironman World Championship. In 1982, this race became famous because of the televised performance of Julie Moss. She was 23, and it was her first competition. Exhausted, she was running toward the finishing line. Suddenly, 3 meters before the line, she fell down. She tried to get up, but she kept falling. She finally crawled across the finishing line. Television cameras showed the world her dramatic struggle. This was the start of the Ironman’s popularity.

   Today, the triathlon is an Olympic sport and very popular in the world. People of all ages, from teens to seventies, can compete, as long as they are in good physical condition. In fact, it has become a great family sport, with fathers and mothers training with their sons and daughters.

   Notes:1. triathlon n.三项全能运动2. challenge n.挑战3. popularity n.普及

   Read the passage and choose the proper answer to each question.



2. 把过去进行时放在某特定的语境中考查。    -Has Sam finished his homework today?    -I have no idea. He ____ it this morning. (2004年全国卷)    A. did    B. has done    C. was doing    D. had done    答案:C。

