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3. How I wish to have some time to play freely!


Dear editor,

   I’m a 15-year-old student. Although I’m still a child, after I come back from school and finish lots of homework, I have to learn many other things every day, because my parents expect me to become a famous person in the future. In the morning I’m made to learn English. In the afternoon, I must learn to play the piano, and in the evening, my father takes me to an art school to learn drawing till night. I’m so busy working all day that recently I fell ill and was sent to hospital. I’m too tired. How I wish to have an hour to play freely! What should I do? Expecting your advice.



 [ 轻松一刻]   Cartoons


2. I’m so busy working all day that recently I fell ill.


1. My parents expect me to become a famous person in the future.


3. 向编辑求助,呼吁父母理解自己的孩子。

Powerful sentences:


2. 阐述自己的观点和看法:希望父母多给孩子一些自由的空间;


1. 叙述自己的生活经历,表明"孩子的负担太重";


5. The author’s attitude towards nick-names in this passage is best described as ________.

A. positive          B. negative

C. neutral          D. indifferent

 [ 课堂内外]   IQ Test

Q1:Why was the lightbulb failing tests?

Q2:Why does the ocean roar?

Q3:What animal is always ready to travel?

Q4:Why was everyone so tired on April 1st?

Q5:What did the tree wear to the swimming party?

Q6:What goes up and never comes down?


A1:Because he wasn’t too bright! (bright具有"明亮的"和"聪明的"两种含义)

A2:You would do that too if you had crabs(螃蟹) on your bottom!

A3:An elephant, as it has a trunk! (trunk既有"象鼻"的含义,也作"旅行箱"讲)

A4:They had just finished a March of 31 days!(March意思是"三月",也有"游行"的意思) A5:Swimming trunks! (trunk 有"树的躯干"的含义,而swimming trunks 意思是"泳裤")A6:Your age!

 [ 牵手课堂]   Welcome to the house!

Welcome to the house!



   Many visitors said that people in the USA are very friendly and helpful. It is hard for you to find small-minded officials, rude waiters, and ill-mannered taxi drivers; people are usually getting ready to help you. For a long period of time in many parts of the USA, dullness and loneliness were the common problems of the families who generally lived distant from one another. Strangers and travelers were welcome guests, because they always brought news of the world outside. Because people lived far from each other, someone who traveled alone, if hungry, injured, or ill, often had nowhere to turn to except to the nearest cabin or settlement. It reflected the daily life. If you didn’t take in the stranger and take care of him, there was no one else who would. And someday you might be in the same situation. Today there are many organizations which specialize in helping the travelers who are very tired. Yet, the old tradition of hospitality to strangers is still very strong in the US, especially in the smaller cities and towns far away from the busy tourist trails.

   The friendliness of many Americans should be interpreted neither as superficial nor as artificial, but as the result of a historically developed cultural tradition. As is true of many developed society, America is a complex set. Only being able to speak English does not mean you can understand the society and the culture of America. Visitors who fail to "translate"cultural meanings properly often draw wrong conclusions. It takes more than a brief encounter on a bus to distinguish between courteous convention and individual interest. Yet, being friendly is an advantage that many American value highly and expect from both neighbors and strangers.


   hospitality n.好客, 盛情artificial adj.假的,矫揉造作的encounter n.遭遇

 [ 写作点评]   How to Write

How to Write







4. The author believes that ________.

A. those who have hurtful nicknames are not confident

B. those who give others hurtful nick-names are confident

C. the "official nicknamers"are usually very cool

D. the "official nicknamers"usually feel bad about themselves


3. A kid often gives other kids nicknames in order to _______.

A. show off his power

B. present his creative ideas

C. win reputation

D. make himself hurt by others


2. According to the passage, the underlined word "bruise"in the third paragraph means ________.

A. joke             B. nickname

C. wound            D. game

