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8.   responsibility  n.  take/ assume (the) ~ for … 对……负责

               a sense of ~   责任感

         = put up                          竖立;搭起

           = establish (an organization, business, etc.) 建立;创立


7.  declare 指正式和明确地向公众“宣布”、“宣告”、“声明”,侧重“当众”发表,多用于宣战、议和、宣判等。

常用结构:declare sth. ;declare against / for…; declare sb. / sth. to be …

responsible  adj.      be ~ for sb. / sth. / doing sth. 对……负责


6.   put an end to… 使……终止  = bring … to an end

come to an end  vi. 结束

to the end   到最后

make ends meet使收支相抵,量入为出

announce  指正式地“公开”、“发表”、“宣布”,侧重“预告”人们所关心或感兴趣的事情。常用结构:announce (to sb) sth/ that… ; It is announced that …


5. impress v.  ② be  +-ed + by / at / with (常用被动,无进行式)

③ impress sth. on sb. = impress sb. with sth. 使某人铭记某事

  impression n.   give sb. a deep impression

= leave / make a deep impression on sb.

= leave sb. with a deep impression

end in  以……告终    Their project ended in failure.

end (up) …with 以……告终/ 结束……  The party ended up with an English song.


4. but / except / except for / besides

      ①but和except 都表示“除了……之外,没有”,二者在多数情况下可以互换。

        ②no (all, nobody, nothing , no one) 后多用but。


      ④except for“除……之外;要不是”,以保留的方式对整个句子内容进行修正。

        ⑤besides 与except,but用于否定句时,可互换。

            ① ~ + n.  使某人印象深刻  


3. put forward:①前进;②提出(计划等)、建议;③拨快(钟表)的针 (→put back)


2.   give in  让步、妥协

give off  散发出 (味道)

give up  放弃


one’s wildest dream    做梦都没想到的事

1.   dream of / about…     梦想……

     dream a … dream      做……的梦

give out     ①散发出、放出;②分发;③宣布;④被用完

give away    ①颁发(奖品等);②赠送;③泄漏


范 文:

Dear Editor,

I study at a middle school and I found a surprising thing in school. In our school reading – room there is a large collection of used English papers and magazines, such as English World and China Daily. They were sold as rubbish although they are still useful. I suggest they should be sold at suitable prices to the students in our school. I think this will meet the need of the students who like English, and the school can also collect some money.

It is not easy for the school to get these English papers and magazines, so we must make good use of them.


Li Hua

