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 (三)独立写作。经过一系列的循序渐进的写作练习后,就能对难度适中的材料进行独立审题并限时完成 了。例如:下面是一篇“一件小事”的记叙作文。笔者所教的高一学生根据自己去一家电影院看电影的途中所 经历的一件小事用英语写的一篇作文,词数100左右。

 It was Saturday evening. After supper, I decided to go to s-ee a film, so I went to the bus stop to take a bus. Soon the bus came and I got on it. I had a very good seat. Just then, an old woman got on the bus. Seeing that there were no spare seats in the bus, I stood up at once and gave my seat to her. She was very pleased. She sat down and thanked me again and again. Soon the bus stopped before the Guangming Cinema. I got off the bus and said good-bye to the old woman.

 高一学生能写出这样的书面表达,是令人欣慰的。这是遵循语言学习规律,遵循“由易到难、由简到繁、 循序渐进”这一科学的训练模式的结果,也是新教材编排合理性与科学性的又一证明。 


 (二)小组作文。这种方法尤其适用于看图写作。做法是同学间按照好、中、差兼顾的原则分成几人一小 组进行讨论并列出英文要点,接着个人分头准备(如每人讲述一、二个要点或一、二幅图);再经过小组讨论 纠正并加上“启承转合”词、句以联段成文;然后小组之间交换并进行评议,有条件的可进行集体评改。

 这种训练方法的优点是:1.“团结作战”能消除畏惧心理;2.开展讨论可促使大家积极参与;3.交换评议 或集体评改有利于互相学习、共同提高。


 (一)机械写作。常用的应用文如通知、书信等都有其特定的格式。我们要初步了解、掌握这些特定的格 式及写作技巧,读懂具体内容,然后把内容套进特定的格式中去,就是一篇条理清楚的书面表达了。如写通知 ,要掌握:1.通知的对象、地点、时间及要做的事情;2.要注意的事项;3.写上"Don’t be late"或"Be on ti me."等一类句子。例如:

 Class 2 and Class 3 are going to plant trees on Western Hills tomorrow. We'll take a bus to go there. Please bring lunch and water with you. Remember to wear old clothes as we'll do a lot of hard work. We will meet in front of the school gate at nine o'clock. Don't be late.


 (二)回答问题、联句成文。课本每单元的第二课及Exercise 1是这种训练的最好的素材。


 (一)缩写课文。新教材所选的课文题材广泛,体裁丰富。我们要好好利用这些有利的因素与条件,进行 写作训练。具体做法:先对课文做好充分预习并根据内容找出关键句,从中划出关键词,然后根据关键词来复 述课文,最后把复述的内容写下来。例如:(Unit 21 Lesson82,要求:谈谈马克思如何学外语(选自学生作业))。

 Karl Marx was born in Germany. German was his native language. When he was young, he had to move on from place to place. In 1849, he went to England and lived there. Then he started working hard to improve his English Before long, he could write articles in English for an American newspaper. Later, he was able to write the book The Civil Warin France in English. Marx began to learn Russian in his fifties. At the end of six months he had learned enough Russian to read articles and reports. Marx set us a good example in learning foreign languages.(画线部分是关键词)


(一)句型训练。写作训练从词法、句法知识入手,结合课本里的重点单词、短语,进行五种基本句型的 造句练习。例如:  1.S+V→The First World War broke out in 1914.  2.S+V+O→We're leading a happy life.  3.S+V+P→The mixture tastes terrible.  4.S+V+O(I)+O(D)→Mr Brown will give us a talk this aftern-oon.  5.S+V+O+C→We should make our classroom clean and tidy.



1、我正要出门上班这时电话铃响了。(be about to do sth……when)


2、那位司机否认(deny)他与这场交通事故有关系。(have sth to do with)


3、既然你长大了,你就应该学会独立生活。(now that)


4、可以肯定的是网络在我们日常生活中起着重要的作用。(What is certain is that……)


5、有些学生发现英语不难学。(find+宾语+adj+to do)


