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10. Table manners change over time.


9.---but only one bowl of soup and never ask for a second serving.


8.In China, you sometimes get a hot, damp cloth to clean your face and hands, which, however, is not the custom in Western coutries.( cf. The resuit of the experiment was very good, ____ we hadn’t expected.   A. when  B. that  C. which  D. what  答案C,为什么? )


7.When you see two spoons, the big one is for the soup and the small one for the dessert. (when = if)


6.At table, you should try to speak quietly.


5.Having good table manners means knowing how to use knives and forks, when to drink a toast and how to behave at the table.(cf. at table / at the table)


4.Knowing them will help you make a good impression.


3.I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…


1.Forgive me. I’m very sorry.     2.Oh, well, that’s life.


打断/中断/插嘴,因…向某人道歉,过错/缺点/挑剔,介绍/提出/引进,原谅/饶恕,文明/文化,方式/样式/礼貌/规矩,印象/感想,干杯/土司面包/敬酒,举止/表现,餐巾,甜点,打开/显露/阐明,习惯/风俗,课程/过程,举起/唤起/饲养,额外的/特大的,童年时代;leave out, stare at, make jokes about sb, table manners, Western culture, damp cloth, the main course, over time, a dinner party, happy with (=be satisfied with / cf. happy about/at…), a thank-you letter, put on, be busy with, do well in, match…with…, forgive/excuse/pardon sb for doing sth, have /make create/leave a good impression on sb, give a good /bad impression to sb, apologize to sb for sth/doing sth, follow the fashion of…, drink to one’s health, drink a toast, ask sb for sth, for a moment, pay a visit to, make use of, make a list of…

