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26. The story is ___________ that one.

  A. as more interesting as       B. so more interesting as

  C. as interesting as          D. so much interesting as  


25. “Don’t talk in class again ”, the teacher said to him .

The teacher ________.

A. asks him not to talk in class again   B. told him to not talk in class again

C. asked him to not talk in class again  D. told him not to talk in class again


24. The Titanic was the largest ship ________had ever been built. 

A. who    B. which    C. that    D. whom


23. Some students preferred to stay in the toilet ________ do morning exercises.

 A. in order to not  B. in not order to  C. in order not to  D. not in order to


22.-Jim’s father likes reading newspapers ?-- _____, and _____.

A. So does he; so your father does    B. So your father does; so is he

C. So he will; so does your father     D. So he does; so does your father


21. Beijing is _____ capital of _____China 

A.  the; the   B.  the; /    C. a; the     D. a; a


20. How many black cats were killed last year in Italy?

  A About 6,000  B About 16,000  C About 60,000

二 单项填空 (共20小题,每小题1分, 满分20分)


3.   What did the man do yesterday evening?

A. He watched Tv.   B. He went shopping.   C. He went to see his aunt.

4  What happened to the woman yesterday?

  A Her car hit a child   B She ran into a child   C Her car almost hit a child

5  What will they probably do after their talking?

  A Go to a movie    B Go to a shop     C Stay at home

第二节 听第6段材料,回答第6至第8题。

6     What are the two speakers going to do this weekend?

A.   Go for a drive.   B Go shopping.  C Go fishing.

7  What does the woman think about the children’s trip?

A It is very dangerous for to the children.

B It is wonderful to the children.

B.   It is boring.

8 What is the relationship between the two speakers ?

A Manager and secretary.  B. Teacher and student . 

 C. Husband and wife.


9 Why did the woman have an angry argument with Jack?

A Jack was too lazy.

B Jack bought a pair of socks.

  C Jack didn’t come to pick her up.

10 What will they probably do this evening?

  A To see a film.  B To have a dinner.

C To stay at home.

11 What is the relationship between the two speakers ?

  A Teacher and student .   B. Husband and wife.  C Friends


12   hat does the man want to buy?

C.   A jacket.   B. A blue jacket.   C. A black jacket.

13   In what season does the dialogue take place?

A In summer.  B. In winter.  C. In spring.

14   What is the man now?

A  He is a student.   B. He is a teacher.   C. He is a worker.


15   When does the man plan to watch the play at first?

A  At 8:00 am.   B  At 8:30 pm.   C  At 5:00 pm.

16   How many kinds of tickets does the theatre have by price?

A  One    B  Two   C.  Three

17   What was said about the man?

A ﹩9.  B. ﹩10.  C. ﹩11.


18   What day is “black cat day” in Italy?

A Sunday  B Saturday  C Thursday

19 Why do people dislike black cats?

  A They think black cats bring bad luck.

B They think black cats are very dirty.

C They think black cats cause trouble.


2.   What is the woman’s husband?

A. In the lab.  B. In the office.    C. in the classroom.


1.   What does the man advise the woman to do?

A.   To ask the teacher to help her.

   B. To ask her parents for help.

   C. To make a careful plan first.

