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22.   I wonder why Terry ______to us recently. We should have heard from her by now.

A. hasn’t written        B. wouldn’t write        C. won’t write           D. hadn’t written


21.   I'm glad to see the rapid progress ______in science and technology in the past decade.

A .to make              B. making               C. made                D. having made


20.   -Sorry to have interrupted you. Please go on.

-Where was I?

-You ____ you didn’t like your father’s job.

A. had said                                        B. said

C. were saying                                      D. had been saying


19.   It is said in the book that Thomas Edison (1847--1931) _____ the world leading inventor for sixty years.

A. would be             B. has been             C. had been             D. was


18.   Don’t you realize it’s quite ___ the rule to have him here?

A. on                   B. for                   C. to                        D. against


17.   -What about John’s examination?

-Excellent! He made ______no mistakes this time.

A. almost               B. nearly                C. hardly           D. mostly


16.   There was not much time left, so I had to go to a shop ______ to buy what we needed for the trip.

A. near                 B. nearby               C. close                 D. closely


15.   My elder sister was against my travel plan while my parents were ________ it.

A. in need of            B. in face of             C. in memory of         D. in support of


14.   _______a computer works is a question _______not everyone can answer quickly.

A. How; that             B. That; which           C. What; which          D. When; that


13.   -Tom, why didn’t you come to the meeting yesterday?

     -I _____, but my car broke down.

A. would                B. had                  C. was going to          D. did

