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24.I love climbing mountains, to    the noise and pollution of the city and breathe fresh air.

A. watch out for     B. end up with     C. get away from    D. hunt for


22.The doctor often tells patients that      apple juice is     healthy drink.

A./; a      B. / ; /      C. an ;  a       D. the; /


21.-Tomorrow my parents and I are flying to Taiwan for the coming Golden Week.


A. See you tomorrow.        B. What for?  

C. I can’t believe it!         D. Have a good trip.


1. What’s the man doing?

A.Missing the woman.

B.Walking to the TV staiton.

C.Offering the woman help.

2.What can we learn about the concert?

A. It will be given in New York.

B.It will be given in Beijing.

C.It will be given on October 20th.

3.When does the game finish?

A.At 4:00 pm.       B. At 4:20 pm.       C. At 3:20 pm. 

4.What can we learn from the convrersation?

A. Bob will leave law school.

B. Bob will go to law school.

C. Bob doesn't want to to to law school.

5.What is the color of the new dress most probably?

A.Dark brown.        B. Dark blue.      C. Bright brown. 

6.Where is the woman now?

A. In London.        B. In Tokyo.       C. In Oxford.

7.When will the woman see some customers?

A.Tomorrw morning.   B.This afternoon.    C. This evening.

8. What does the man invite the woman to do?

A.Visit Jane.       B.Have dinner.      C.Travel in Tokyo.

9.What happened to the man?

A. He was late for work.

B. He had a traffic accident.

C. He fell and hurt himself badly.

10.What did the man’s parents say?

A.He should change his job.

B.He should have been more careful.

C.He should have more rest.

11.What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Brother and sister.   B. Doctor and patient.    C. Mother and son.

12.What can we know about the man?

A. He hopes to become a painter someday.

B.He doesn't know much about painting.

C. He doesn't like the course at all.

13.Who is Lisa Frank?

A. A painter.     B. The professor of the course.   C. A student taking the course.

14.When does the conversation take place?

A. Before class.     B. After class.         C. During class.

15. Why can the speakers know each other?

A. They have met before.         B.They have talked on the phone.

C. They have been penfriends.

16.Which of the following is true about the house?

A.The place is far from any bus stop.

B. The bedroom windows are of Italian style.

C. The building is very safe.

17.What does the woman think of the house?

A. Good.         B. Small.          C. Cheap.

18.What was the word “sports” first used for about a hundred years ago?

A. Something that people did in their free time.

B. Hunting wild animals and birds.

C. Organized games.

19. From what can star sportsmen earn more money?

A. Advertisting.         B. Sports.        C. Acting.

20.What is the talk mainly about?

A.What people did in their free time.

B. What sports mean today.

C. How people hunted wild animals and birds.



101.只有通过这种方式,我们才能阻止此类事情再次发生。(only +介词短语; stop…from…)



102. 从高中起,我姐姐和我就一直梦想作一次了不起的自行车旅行。(ever since; dream about)



103. 他不能再在这家工厂呆下去了。(not…any longer)



104. 你昨天在会上遇到的那位女士是美国著名记者。(定语从句)



105. 由于下雨,运动会延期了。(because of)



G1 Keys to the paper







91.  Along the way children dressing in long wool coats stopped to look at us.   __________

92.  It was a fun to see the monkey eat from his hand.                             __________

93.  The number of people who was killed or injured in the earthquake reached more than 80,000.                                                                    __________

94.  Your speech was heard by a group of five judges, all of them agreed that it was the best one this year.                                                            __________

95.  I felt bad for the first time I called on him.                                __________

96.  It is the fifth time when you have made the same spelling mistake.        __________

97.  Mr. Li, who has devoted himself to protect the earth, gave us a talk.       __________

98.  We don’t know that we can do about it.                                  __________

99.  The teacher asked Tom if he has finished his homework..           __________

100. All languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate each other.





81.  Her husband was so g       that he gave her a diamond necklace for her birthday.

82.  The temple where my mother used to go was d______________ in a big fire.

83.  After I g______________ from college, I began to set up my own business.

84.  I thought she came to ask me the question, but a       she needed an excuse to have  a word with me.

85.  In my o______________ , it is impossible to do the work in two hours.

86. The noise is driving me ______________ (发疯)so that I must leave here at once.

87.  In the 17th century, people from England made     (航海) to conquer other parts of      the world.

88.  The injured man was still ______________ (受苦).

89.  At present more and more people are concerned about the eyesight of _________(青少年). 

90.  Although there were a lot of people in the hall, I ______________(辨认出) him.

