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73. The underlined word “detrimental ” in the passage may mean        .

A. harmful      B.helpful      C. useless    D. meaningful


72.What do Sullivan and Tim Shannon think of teenagers’ sending messages?

A. They hate it.

B. They encourage it.

C. They think children should text properly.

D. They think parents should text for children.


71.What do we know about the Festival of Roses in Kazanlak from the passage?

A.Judges decide the beginning of the festival.

B. It included an International Folklore Festival centuries ago.

C. Judges honor the most skillful pickers of roses.

D. A concert will be held at the end of the festival.


BLOOMINGTON-Once Staci Roper, 14, starts sending text messages, she finds it hard to stop. “Sometimes I text from the time I get up until I go to bed, except during school,” said the eighth-grader at Kingsley Junior High.

Her sister Sara Roper, 18,also texts a lot, saying “It’s a lot easier than using the telephone.”

For teens, technology has become a common way to start and keep social contacts.

Richard Sullivan, a teacher at Illinois State University, said text messaging has become “the new way of passing notes.”

“It is an important tool for social communication, especially for the youth,” Sullivan said.

But the girls have to store their mobile phones during school because they can be a distraction(分心的事物), Sullivan said.

 That’s why parents must monitor (监控) their children’s mobile phone use, said Tim Shannon, a child psychologist at Carle Clinic in Bloomington.

The same technologies that can help communication can be detrimental if children use them to ignore their family at supper, Shannon said.

 While Linda Roper does not allow her children to text messages during meals, she usually does not need to intervene(干涉). “ My kids are both very disciplined (守纪律的) and good about doing their homework,” she said.

Gary and Mary Carstens also do not allow their children to text at supper or at family get-gotethers.

Their daughter, Kayla, 14, usually texts more on weekends when she has more free time. Kayla likes text messaging “because others can’t hear you .”

The Carstens got Kayla a mobile phone several years ago because she is active in after-school sports and the phone allows her parents to keep in touch with her.

Mary Carstens believes all the communication allowed by modern technology is good for her kids.


70.Rose oil is called liquid gold because of its             .     

A.great value         B. bright color

C. growing places       D. wide uses


69.According to the passage, the Rose Valley      .

A.lies near Bulgaria’s capital

B. has the largest rose plantations

C. was formed a century ago

D. was built by Kazanlak people


68.The passage mainly talks about       .

A. the Bulgarlain life

B. rose festivals of the world

C. the roses in Bulgaria

D. the living habits of roses


67.Through how many ways can we get more information?

A. One.      B. Two.     C. Three.    D. Four.


   Bulgaria is famous for its roses, and produces about 85 percent of all the rose oil in the world. Rose oil is called liquid gold (液态黄金) and is used I making soaps ,chocolates, perfumes(香水) and so on.

   The first records about growing roses on Bulgarian land go back many centuries. The Rose Valley developed in the area between the cities of Kazanlak and Karlovo in central Bulgaria.

The roses seem to love the soil and weather there. The rose is the most important plant grown in Bulgaria, which could be called the country of the roses. The rose plantations (种植园) in the Rose Valley are the largest in the world.

 Much of the population in the Valley works in the rose industry. In Bulgaria, we produce rose oil, rose water and other productss. Rose oil is used in high quality perfumes produced in many countries. The main flower grown is the Kazanlak rose, which is famous around the world.

 The oil is prepared by distillation (蒸馏). Each flower is picked by hand, and you need 3,000 kilos to make one kilo of rose oil. That means about 30 flowers for just one tiny drop of oil. So you can understand why it is so expensive and is called liquid gold.

 Each year on the first weekend in June, during the harvest, there’s a Festival of Roses in Kazanlak with many performances. Judges (裁判) choose the Queen of Roses as part of the summer festival. After this, she honors the most skillful pickers of roses in the harvest.

 This festival is an old tradition and goes back more than a century. Today it also includes an  International Folklore Festival and attracts many tourists. The festival ends with a concert in the evening. There are also festivals in Karlovo and other towns. Come to see and enjoy!


66.What do we know about Discovery Space from the passage?

A.Its reservations last 20 minutes.

B. One can find suitable discovery boxes easily.

C. It is open all the year round.

D. Schools can cut field trip costs by visiting it.


65.If you and your friend David want to visit the Sciencenter on July 5, you will pay      .

A. $3.5        B.$4.5    C.$9    D.$10


64.In Discovery Space, students can            .

A. study science in a free way

B. play games with other members

C. watch scientific experiments

D. attend Sciencenter educators’ classes

