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35.Is this museum    you visited the other day?

     A.that            B.where              C.in which        D.the one


34.Hope English is the only one of the books    with the tape in the bookshop.

     A.that goes       B.that go             C.which goes     D.which go


33.It was on a cold winter evening    his father left home and was never back.

     A.where          B.which               C.that            D.when


32.We’re talking about the piano and the pianist   were in the concert we attended last night.

     A.which          B.whom               C.who            D.that


31.You don’t know what great trouble we had     where his house was .

     A.In finding       B.to find              C.find            D.found


30.I cannot spend   money on the car which is     expensive for me.

     A.too much; much too                    B.for too; too much

     C.much too; too much                    D.too many ; much too


29.I was just about to go to bed last night   the telephone rang.

     A.while           B.when               C.as              D.before


28.   on the top of the tower, and you can see the whole city.

     A.Standing        B.To stand            C.Stood          D.Stand


27.He is always full of    as if he never knew tiredness.

     A.strength        B.spirit                C.force           D.energy

