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M: I can come to your house and pick you up in half an hour. Is that alright?

W: Yes, good, that means you will be here at 8:30.



Mrs Chen was a teacher in Nanjing. One summer she was offered a job as the headmistress of an international school. Unlucky, the school was not in Nanjing. It was in Shanghai. After thought about it for a long time and discussing the offer with her husband, Mrs Chen decided that it would be best to accept the job and moved to Shanghai. One evening, after a dinner, Mr and Mrs Chen asked their daughter, Huaming, to come and talk to them. Mrs Chen told Huaming about the decisions to move to Shanghai. Huaming was shocking and upset. He did not want to leave his friends and said that he would prefer to living with his classmate, Guo Sheng. His parents hoped that Huaming would later change his mind and be excited about moving to a new city when August came. Soon, it was August. Mr and Mrs Chen were busy packing. Therefore, Huaming insisted staying in Nanjing and refused to pack his belongings.










5. Everywhere they looked nearly everything was   103  . All of the city’s hospitals, 75% of its factories and 90% of its homes were   104  . Two dams fell and most of the bridges also fell or were not   105   for traveling.


4. It was my sister   99   first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River   100   where it begins to where it   101  . Now she is planning our   102   for the trip.


3. What is standard English?  92   it or not, there is no   93   thing as standard English. Many people think the English   94   on TV and the radio is standard English. This is because in the early days of radio, those   95   reported the news were   96   to speak excellent English.  97  , on TV and the radio you will hear differences   98   the way people speak.


2. I have a problem. I am not very good at   89   with people. Although I try to talk to my classmates, I still find   90   hard to make good   91   with them.


1. Sadly…I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains   86   before very dusty windows. It’s no   87   looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be   88  .


85.没把… 当回事_____________________


84. 把A换成B_____________________   

