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22.Although he is far aboard from his hometown, he is much       his family.

  A. concerning about   B. concerned about   C. concerning with   D. concerned


21. They asked the teacher_____________.

  A. when will they have the exam     B. when we would have the exam

  C. when they would have the exam    D. when would they have the exam


20. As soon as he heard the ________ news of his death, she ___________ tears.

  A. shocked; burst out        B. shocking; burst into

  C. shocked; burst into        D. shocking; burst out


19. The room _____________ door is painted green is our headmaster’s office.

  A. whose     B. its       C. which     D. of which


18. _____ seemed as if she was not interested in the topic they were talking about.

  A. There     B. It       C. She      D. They


17. The number of people invited _________ fifty, but a number of them ___________ absent for different reasons.

  A. were; was   B. was; was   C. was; were   D. were; were


第一节  单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


16. ______ English language plays________ important role in international trade.

  A. The; an    B. The; the     C. An; an    D. An; the




6.What’s wrong with their teacher?

  A. He smokes a bit.    B. He smokes too much.    C. He has cut down on smoking.

7.What should their teacher do according to the two speakers?

  A. Go on like that.     B. Give up smoking.      C. Take no medicine.

8.What are they likely to do next?

  A. Buy some medicine for their teacher.

  B. Ask their teacher not to be worried.

  C. Try to persuade their teacher to stop smoking.


9. Why was the woman looking for the man?

  A. Because he was wanted to attend a meeting.

  B. Because Peter wanted to meet him at the meeting.

  C. Because there was a meeting for Peter.

10. When was the meeting ended?

  A. An hour ago      B. Early this morning.    C. Yesterday evening.

11. Why was the man absent from the meeting?

  A. Because he was busy making a market report.

  B. Because he was at the computer company.

  C. Because he had told about that to Peter.


12. Who is the woman?

  A.A friend of Mr Crumble’s   B. John Brown’s sister.   C. John Brown’s secretary

13. Where probably is John Brown now?

  A. At home.          B. At his company.     C. Away on his journey.


14. Why is Paul reading?

  A. To go abroad        B. To go back to Canada.     C. To write a report.

15. What is John going to do?

  A. See some designers.      B. Open a business.       C. Work abroad.


第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1.What is Jack going to do ?

  A. Promise Bill.        B. Play tennis.      C. Go skating.

2.What does the man need?

  A. More air          B. A rest        C. More space.

3.What is the time now?

  A. A quarter past five      B. A quarter to four    C.A quarter past four

4.Which situation is best fit for the conversation?

  A. In a clothing shop      B. In a change room    C. In a sitting room.

5.What are the two speakers doing?

  A. Talking about teaching.    B. Inviting friends.    C. Posting a book.


V. 第一节 单词拼写(每空一词, 共8分)


47. He is so stubborn that no one can  ________(说服)him to give up the foolish idea.

48. His friend has _______( 遭受 )from ill health for some years.

49. When she knew she failed in the exam again, she felt very u_________.

50. Was it an accident or did David do it on p_________?

51. He took a positive a______________ towards his work.

52. The police asked Tom to s_______ down what he had seen in a report.

53. He tried again and again but f_________ he succeeded.

54. After g______________ from college, we finally got the chance to take a bike trip.

VI. 第二节 (每小题1分,满分10分)


Nowadays more and more tourists from English 55.___________ countries come to visit China. And thousands of 56._________ come to 57.____________, teach in the university or study Chinese 58. _____________ here. Now the Chinese people are 59. ________ a lot of attention to English. Young students 60.________ learn English at school or through radio or TV. English programmes 61.__________ are sent by satellites from one country to another, 62.___________, from BBC or CNN to countries where English is a second or foreign language. In China, there are also lots of 63._______________, which are provided by China Radio International, CCTV9, Hong Kong Phenix and those 64.________ on TV or the radio in many provinces and regions.

VII. 第三节: 完成句子 (每小题1分,满分5分)

65. 那个激动的演讲者一时难以平静下来。

   The excited speaker couldn’t make himself __________ __________ in a short time.

66. 我母亲不管人在哪里都很关心家庭。

My mother is always __________ _________ the family wherever she is.

67. 尽管雨下得很大,这家商店还是照常开业。

This shop is open to business ________ _________, though it’s raining hard.

68. 一个乞丐走过来向我们要钱。

A beggar ________ ________ to us and asked for money.

69. 他们从邻国进口大量的水果,例如橘子、柠檬。

   They import a lot of fruits from neighbouring countries, ________ ________ oranges and lemons.

VIII. 第四节:书面表达(15分)



   提高写的能力的建议:多读,好文章反复读,记日记(keep a diary)。


1. 用80个词左右。  2. 不要逐字翻译成英文。

Dear Li Gang,

   Thank you for writing to me._________________________________________________










