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24. The number of the workers _____small, but a large number of bikes ______ produced every month by them.

A. are; are    B. is; is     C. is; are     D. are; is


23. ________ is hard work to climb the mountain road.

   A. That    B. As     C. This      D. It


22. He has been looking for a person who will _______ joys and sorrows with him.

A. give     B. take     C. share     D. play


21. ----How are you feeling today?

  ---- ______ better. Thank you.

A. Much    B. Any     C. More    D. Worse



6.What are they talking about?

A. How to do exercise every day.

B. How to go to school.

C. How to save time and money.

7. How much time can be saved by bike?

A.    Half an hour   B. One hour    C. An hour and a half

8. Where does the man probably live during the weekdays?

   A. In the school   B. In the hotel    C. At home

9. What will Jane do this evening?

   A. Stay at home    B. Read a book   C. See a film

10. When will Jim meet Jane?

A.    At 7:15      B. At 7:30      C. At 7:45

11. Where will Jim probably meet Jane?

  A. At Jim’s home   B. At Jane’s home   C. At the gate of the cinema

12. When will the English classes start?

A.    On February 16th  B. On February 17th   C. On February 20th

13. How much will a member of the English Club spend to attend the English classses?

  A. $ 140       B. $ 70       C. $ 35

14. What can we know about the woman?

  A. She is good at English.

B. She works at the English Club.

C. She will attend the English classes herself.

15. Which coat does the man finally choose?

  A. A black full length(标准长度)rain coat

  B. A navy blue(深蓝色)suit        C. A blue long coat

16. How much does the man pay for the coat?

  A. 500 yuan    B. 300 yuan     C. 200 yuan

17. What can’t be inferred(推断)from this dialogue?

  A. The man might be persuaded to buy a coat.

  B. The man is short of money.

  C. The woman is quite good at promotion (推销).

18. What sports does the passage mention?

A.    Swimming   B. Diving    C. Skin-diving

19. Why is it easier for people to climb big rocks under water?

A.    Because the big rocks there are not high

B.    Because people are relatively(相关地)light there.

C.    Because people who go there have enough experience.

20. What is one of the most interesting parts of the sport?

  A. Catching fish  B. Cleaning ships   C. Climbing big rocks



1. What can we learn from the dialogue?

A. The man is tired of doing shopping.

B. The woman won’t go to the clothing shop.

C. The man can’t spare any time.

2. How much does the man pay for the car?

A. $750    B. $1,500     C. $3,000

3. Where are the two speakers?

   A. In a hotel.  B. In a restaurant   C. In a supermarket

4. The man’s view is that information technology__________.

A.    will replace(取代)teachers

B.    won’t replace teachers

C.    will replace face-to-face communication.

5. What job does the woman want to do after graduation?

A.    To be a lawyer   B. To be a teacher   C. To be a doctor

