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3.    What is he going to be when he ____________ ( growth ) up ?


2.    Have you _____________ ( arrangement ) to meet Mark this weekend?


1.    The doctor ____________ ( suggestion) that the patient should be operated on immediately.


A  is/are pessimistic about  B  take(s) action,  C  get(s) in touch  D  is/been up to,
E  is/been optimistic about  F  hang on    G  find out     H  as if

43-44 She is bad at her lessons, so she ____ her future.

45-46 He looks very tired. It seems ___ he didn’t sleep well last night.

47-48 The teacher told the students to read through the whole text and then ____ the main idea.

49-50 Please ____ a moment. I will get Mr. Smith for you .

51-52 We should ____ immediately so as to protect the rivers from being polluted.

53-54 I have a friend in America. You can ___ with him when you get there.

55-56 He is sure he’ll soon find a job because he ____ everything around him.

57-58 “What have you boys ___?” “Oh, just talking a bit of shop.

 根据句意选词填空-2 (52-53其中53的ABCD分别代表EFGH) 6x1

A  is known as,   B  is popular with   C  is located on  D  depend(ed) on,
E  go (es) back   F  protest(ed) against  G consist(s) of   H  as well as

59-60 The story of this custom ____ more than three thousand years.

61-62 Our hometown __ the east part of a small island.

63-64 Beijing ___ our capital as well as a beautiful tourist city.

65-66 You can not ___ others but yourself in almost anything.

67-68 We all know that hip-hop ___ teenagers and school children now.

69-70 This factory ___ 4 shops and more that 200 workers.

71-72 Many people in the USA strongly ___ wars in Iraq.

73-74 You should respect your parents ___ other people.


We spent a day in the country, picking wild flowers.__25__ the car full of flowers we were going home. On our way back my wife noticed a cupboard outside a furniture shop. It was tall and narrow.“__26__ it,” my wife said at once.” We’ll carry it home on the roof rack(行李架).I've always wanted one like that.”What could I do? Ten minutes later I was $20 __27_ ,and the cupboard  was tied onto the roof rack. It __28__ six feet long and eighteen inches square, quite heavy, too.

In the gathering darkness I drove slowly. Other drivers seemed unusually __29__that evening. The police even stopped traffic to let us through .Carrying furniture was a good idea.

After a time my wife said,” There’s a long line of cars __30__.Why don't they pass us, I wonder?” In fact a police car did pass. The two officers inside shouted at us seriously as they passed. But then with great kindness, they led us through the rush hour traffic. The police car stopped__31__ our village church. One of the officers came to me.“Right, sir,”he said.“ Do you need any more help?” I was a bit __32__ . “Thanks, officer,” I said,“You have been very kind. I live just beside the road.”

Then he watched our car; first the flowers, then the cupboard. “Well, well,” he said, laughing. “It's a cupboard you've got there! We thought it was__33__ else.”

My wife began to laugh. Then the __34__ struck me like a stone between the eyes. I laughed at  he officer. “Yes, it’s a cupboard, but thanks.” I drove as fast as I could, still thinking over this funny experience.

25. A. Filling     B.Making           C.On        D.With

26. A. Buy    B.Hold             C.Make         D.Own

27. A. shorter   B.less                 C.fewer           D.poorer

28. A. looked   B.measured          C.appeared        D.seemed

29. A. careful   B.polite            C.frightened       D.attentive

30. A. along    B.behind         C.ahead           D.together

31. A. in     B.before            C.on            D.with

32. A. surprised  B.frightened         C.worried           D.excited

33. A. anything   B.everything         C.nothing         D.something

34. A. problem   B.truth             C.matter          D.incident


23. There are many persons in the picture. The man ___ alone looks as if he is reading. Another man ___ on his side looks as if he is trying to get up.

  A. seating; lying  B. seated; lying  C. sitting; lied  D. sits; lies  

24 All strange plants and animals ___ during the trip have been noticed in their diaries over ten days.         A had been noticed  B were noticed  C noticed  D noticing


22. --- Hi, John.

  ---Hi, Janet, I haven’t seen you for a while. How are you?

  ---Fine, thank you. In fact, I’m going to call you because I ____ a birthday party.

   A. am going to have  B. will have  C. was going to have  D. had


21. I find ____ strange  ___ she doesn’t want to go swimming.

  A. that; that  B. one; why  C. it; when  D. it; that


20. --- My key was lost this morning. 

  --- Pardon? 

  --- My key ____ again.

  A. disappeared  B. was disappeared  C has been disappeared  D. has disappeared

