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27.Although he goes to school every day, his attitude _____ his study suggests he is tired ____ it.

A. towards; from      B. of; of             C. to; of             D. with; in


26.George still insisted that he _____ nothing wrong and that I _____ to him at once.

A. did; apologized                  B. had done; apologize

C. should do; should apologize            D. had done; must apologize


25.This is the second time I ______ abroad.

   A. went    B. go    C. have gone    D. had gone


24.Mr. Blake ____ Shanghai in a few days. Do you know when the earliest plane ___ on Sunday?

    A. leaves; is taking off                  B. leaves; takes off

   C. is leaving; is taking off                D. is leaving; takes off


23.You can hardly imagine the trouble I had _____ his house..

A. found           B. to find           C. finding           D. with finding


22.______ trees _______ in the past few years.

A. A great number of; have been planted     B. The number of; has been planted

C. A number of; has planted                D. A number of; have planted


21.At first, ______ English language stayed ______ the language used in Britain.

A. the; same like        B. 不填; the same like

C. the; the same as       D. 不填; the same as


20.They talked for about an hour of things and persons ____ they remembered in their childhood.

   A. which             B. that              C. who              D. whom


19.My son often asks me _____ in one hundred years.

A. what man will look like                  B. what will man look like

C. how man will look like                   D. how look will man like


18.All the people present felt ____ at the _____ news.

    A. shocking; shocking                  B. shocked; shocking

    C. shocked; shocked                   D. shocking; shocked

