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Christchild Market is not really a market, but a most pleasant festival for children in Kitchener, Canada. And my husband, my daughter and I attend this year’s Christchild Market.

As we get through Victoria Park, I breathe in the fresh wet smell of  36  . The bare(光秃秃) branches of the trees and bushes are  37   with Christmas lights against the new-fallen snow.

In the open place there are  38  , parents, grandparents, and their relatives, all smiling and  39   as they hold their candles in their hands and wait for the magic event to begin patiently.

As we join the  40  , the cold is easily  41  , for I see the wide-eyed excitement of the children and the  42   smiles of those around me. Soon the crowd  43   to Kitchener City Hall. At  44   we can see all officials  45   for us. At the center of the square, the summertime fountain(喷泉) has now  46   to ice, where young children are  47   about.

  48   the crowds walk into the square, the  49   ceremony begins: songs, dances and other  50  . Then the Christmas lights on the  51   and the Christmas tree are turned on, only to cause cheers of great  52  . The Christchild Market has  53   opened!

A(n)  54   woman and her grandson stand nearby, watching the festivities. I can hear her say in her strong German accent, “I can’t believe it! It’s like I’m back in the town where I was a little girl - just around your age!” The little boy’s  55   face turns up at her, and for a moment they are perfectly alike in their bright-eyed wonder. The air of the Christmas is spreading far and wide.

Today is the Candlelight Procession and Opening Ceremony. The Christchild Market continues all the way through the weekend. Every heart will keep warm with that special festive feeling.

36.A. spring             B. summer           C. autumn           D. winter

37.A. burning            B. shining           C. disappearing       D. shaking

38.A. visitors             B. adults            C. children           D. families

39.A. cheering           B. crying            C. arguing           D. quarreling

40.A. hosts              B. program          C. crowd            D. ceremony

41.A. felt                B. forgotten          C. sensed           D. remembered

42.A. encouraging        B. imagining          C. surprising         D. welcoming

43.A. moved             B. ran              C. flew              D. hurried

44.A. a height            B. a meeting         C. a distance         D. an interview

45.A. asking             B. calling            C. sending           D. waiting

46.A. turned             B. grown            C. got               D. become

47.A. looking            B. swimming          C. playing           D. singing

48.A. Since              B. As               C. Until              D. Because

49.A. wedding            B. closing            C. celebrating        D. opening

50.A. performances       B. movies            C. concerts          D. plays

51.A. street              B. road             C. building           D. roof

52.A. pressure           B. delight            C. shock            D. surprise

53.A. madly             B. quietly            C. peacefully         D. officially

54.A. old                B. young            C. rich              D. poor

55.A. pretty              B. smiling            C. cold              D. worrying


35.-I must go now. The plane takes off at ten o’clock.


A. How do you do?                       B. Enjoy yourself on the plane.

C. Have a nice trip.                    D. Don’t worry.


34.-People should stop using their cars and start using public transport.

-_________. The roads are too crowded as it is.

    A. All right           B. Exactly            C. Go ahead         D. Fine


33.Will you fetch me a ________ of today’s evening paper in a minute?

A. series          B. set            C. couple          D. copy


32.The Smiths often visit the farm. Another ______ visitor to the farm is Mr. John.

   A. native           B. gradual         C. frequent         D. official


31.How much does that    ?

A. add             B. add up          C. add to           D. add up to


30.She was upset ____ what you said yesterday.

A. because          B. as              C. because of       D. since


29.I’m glad they are going to _____ the singing.

    A. join            B. join in           C. join us           D. join in us


28.The doctor _____ him to give up smoking, but he wouldn’t listen.

   A. advised         B. insisted         C. suggested     D. persuaded

