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2. A Boys Club can ________.

  A. teach kids how to operate a computer

  B. train kids how to do a job and do it well

  C. help kids choose a school to gain higher education.

  D. all of the above



  Growing up is hard enough. The streets don’t make it any easier. A kid needs a place to grow besides the street. And next to home, there’s no place like a Boys Club where a kids finds out just what it needs to get the job done, and what it needs to get a job. That’s why we teach kids computer skills, give them vocational training even help them choose college and career goals.

  You see, a Boys Club really is more than just a club. It’s a pool, a friend, a school, a team. It’s a place where a kid connects with the bright future. No wonder over 1,100,000 kids keep coming to 1,100 Boys Clubs all across America. Let’s face it. Beating the streets isn’t easy. But with the help of a strong Boys Club, a kid can have a chance to succeed through efforts.

1.  Which of the following sentence is TRUE?

A. A kid growing up only needs the street.

B. A kid growing up doesn’t need the street.

C. A kid growing up doesn’t need home.

D. No place but home is better than a Boys Club.


3. am not, will wait  4.will be brought, have been destroyed, have been lost

5. to be cut/cutting , have, done, to have  6. keeping, to fill

7. burning  8. Asked  9. Not having made  10. to be discussed


15. 选A。be mixed with意为“被混在一起”。


14. 选C。 advise somebody to do something  advise that …(should) + v.。


13. 选A。worried用作形容词,意为“使人担心的”。


12. 选C。 argue with somebody about something。


11. 选 A。 exercise 表示“锻炼”,是不可数名词。


10. 选C。 听从某人的意见要用follow /take one’s advice


9. 选B。 remind somebody of somebody 使某人想起某人。

