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9. 选C。先行词既指人又指物,关系代词要用that。


8. 选A。先行词被最高级所修饰,关系代词要用that。


7. 选A。句子中有了who关系代词要用 that。


6. 选C。先行词the day在定语从句中作状语。


5. 选B。those 是指人,表示复数。


4. 选B。what he can 中省略了do , 要用不定式to improve作目的状语.


3. 选A。spend 是及物动词,所以用that作宾语


2. 选A。the way 表示方式、方法在定语从句中作状语,可用in which; that 或省略连接主句和定语从句。


  2. 填with whom。因先行词为人,所以介词后要用whom。

  3. 填on which。在某一天要用介词on。

  4. 填from which。因为我们是从太阳那儿得到热量,所以要用from。

  5. 填with whom。和某人交谈用talk with,因是人要用whom。

  6. 填with which。用某种工具要用介词with。

7.填of which。On the top of 意为“在……顶上”。

8. 填through which。观察天空是通过telescope,所以用介词through。

9. 填to whom。turn to sb意为“请求某人帮助”。

10. 填for which。Reason与介词for连用。


  Two kinds of people exist in this world: clean people and people who have found millions of ways to avoid cleaning their rooms.

  I belong to the latter(后者) because I am a teenager. Like all teenagers I am  1  busy pretending to be receiving an education to  2  that scientists attribute (归因于 52% of global warming to the  3  that escape from my bedroom window.  4  all you  5  get too angry, I want you to know that I closed my window last week.

  Don’t think the messy state of my room doesn’t  6  me, it does. Every night I go to sleep, haunted(受折磨) by the thought that a(n)  7  I lost three years ago is somewhere in my room still plugged in (插着电源) and waiting to start a fire.  8  thing that worries me is fish. I haven’t got around to cleaning their tank(鱼缸) this year. I can’t  9  if they’re alive or not.

  A. few weeks ago my mother ordered me to clean my room. She said, “Tracy, you will not eat ,sleep, or breathe until you clean up your room.”.

  I responded, “Mum, did I tell you I got an A in my physics test yesterday?”

  “Yon don’t even take physics, Tracy, so how can you get an A?”

  My mum was  10  than I thought, so I decided to ignore(不理会) the question and change the  11  .

  “Did you know that most kids today watch ten and a half hours of TV? And high school students score an average of 500 points  12  on the SATs(美国高考) than the kids in your generation.”

  “NO! Really? Well, Tracy, that’s just one more example of how the weak family values of today affect the minds and education of the kids your age. Oh! I forgot to take the Bread out of the oven!”

  I smiled to myself  13  once again distracting(分散注意力) my mother with perfectly useless and untrue  14  . Thereby(因此) I avoided the dangerous task of cleaning my room.

  Then I turned and observed the smoke and the big pile of smelly  15  . But, I am just too lazy to disturb the natural flow of things.

1. A. all             B. so           C. too          D. very

2. A. know          B. mind         C. consider       D. worry

3. A. smoke          B. smell         C. heat          D. gas

4. A. Before          B. In case           C. While        D. If

5. A. readers         B. scientists      C. cleaners       D. environmentalists

6. A. bother          B. affect         C. puzzle        D. speak to

7. A. radio           B. iron          C. recorder       D. lamp

8. A. The            B. One          C. Another       D. Next

9. A. see            B. tell          C. say          D. decide

10. A. slower         B. cleverer       C. quicker       D. better

11. A. topic          B. method       C. point         D. words

12. A. more          B. less          C. higher        D. lower

13. A. as            B. since         C. because       D. for

14. A. facts          B. questions      C. figures           D. information

15. A. waste          B. clothes           C. shirts         D. shoes

Period 5 答案和提示

