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11.She decided to sell the house, the windows _______ faced the blue sea.

A. whose     B. which     C. of which    D. that


10.She decided to buy the house, _______ windows faced the blue sea.

A. whose     B. which      C. of which    D. that


9.My hometown is no longer the one_______ she used to be.

A. whom     B. that      C. who     D. what


8.My hometown is no longer ________ she used to be.

A. whom     B. that      C. who      D. what 


7.He is one of the people here who  _________ how to operate this computer.

A. knows     B. know      C. had known     D. known


6.He is the only one of the people here who _______ how to operate this computer.

A. knows    B. know    C. had known     D. known 


5.The first man I ________ was you, from whom I had learnt a lot during my stay in your school.

A. have thought of    B. have thought out   C. thought of     D. thought up


4.________, let me introduce my friends to you, Mr. Smith.

A. In all   B. After all     C. Above all    D. First of all


3.All the pupils in the primary school are __________ teachers.

A. at ease with    B. easy with    C. at ease to      D. easy to


2.Do you think _______ any need to read the passage word by word?

A. is there    B. there is     C. is it     D. it is

