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15. This is an unpleasant subject_ ____ we might argue for a long while.

  A. in which  B with them  C. about which  D with it


14. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town ___ he grew up as a child.

A. which  B that  C where  D when


13. ---Can I help you, sir?

  --- Yes, I bought this radio here yesterday, but it _____.

A. didn’t work   B. won’t work   C. can’t work  D. doesn’t work


12. Tom, you _____leave all your clothes on the floor like this!

A. wouldn’t  B. mustn’t   C. needn’t  D may not


11.---Can I speak to Mr. Wang, please?


A. Who are you?    B. I’m Wang 

C. Speaking      D. Are you John?


9. He’s got himself into a dangerous situation ___he is likely to lose control over the plane.

A. where  B which    C. while  D. why

10---Let’s go to a movie after work, OK?


A. Not at all  B. Why not?    C. Never mind   D. What of it?


8. Have you seen the film “Titanic”, ____leading actor is world famous?

A. its   B. it’s  C whose  D which


7. At this time tomorrow ____over the Atlantic.

 A. we are going to fly  B. we’ll be flying

 C. we’ll fly       D. we’re to fly


6. ---When will you come to see me, Dad?

  --- I will go to see you when you ____ the training course.

A. will have finished  B will finish  C. are finishing  D. finish


5. The poor young man is ready to accept ____help he can get.

A. whichever  B however  C. whatever  D. whenever

