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5.    After May Day, I wrote down whatever _____ me during the journey, especially the little girl who couldn’t go to school for being disabled.

A. expressed  B. effected  C. impressed  D. influenced


4.    Can you imagine this shy _______ at the concert?

A.   girl to sing  B. girl to be singing  C. girl’s singing  D. girl to have sung


3.    My dictionary ______. I have looked it everywhere but still _______ it.

A.   has lost; don’t find   B. is missing; don’t find 

C. has lost ; haven’t found  D. is missing; haven’t found 


2.    I know Fanning was closed down at the end of 2001, but _____ Fanning’s dream finally began to fade?

A. how was it  B. what was it that  C. when was that  D. when was it that


1.    It is hard to imagine smells _____ when a film is shown in the future.

A. are given away  B. are put away  C. are sent out  D. are given out

