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33. ______ in a heavy snow, we had to stay in a small wooden house for a few days.

  A. Catch          B. Catching       C. Caught       D. To catch


32. I’ll have to stay in Australia for 3 years. But it would be ______ for me.

  A. a wonderful experience             B. wonderful experience

  C. wonderful experiences             D. wonderfully experienced


31. When I got home, I found the door open. A terrible thought ______ me -- had anyone broken into the house?

  A. beat            B. knocked        C. struck         D. occurred


30. ______ only 10 minutes to go before the train left, I felt uneasy(不安) in the taxi to the airport.

  A. For         B. As             C. Because       D. With


29. It is the second time that I ______ in Chongqing. What great changes have taken place in Chongqing! It’s 5 years since I ______ it last time.

   A. have been, left                    B. had been, left

  C. have been, had been                   D. went, had left 


28. Do you think the reason ______ he gave is believable?

  A. for which        B. which         C. why          D. what


27. ---I’d like to go climbing with you, but I have a meeting ______.

  ---If you don’t go, ______.

  A. to attend; nor will I            B. to attend; so do I

  C. attending; so will I             D. attend; neither will I


26. How did it ______ that he is so badly off when he earns quite a good salary?

  A. come out        B. come up        C. come along  D. come about


25. All his friends argued him ______ leaving his job, but he insisted on having a change.

  A. with           B. about             C. out of          D. into


24. Maybe there are some things among the girl's papers. Can you ______ them and give me whatever you find?

  A. go through      B. go across      C. go over        D. go with

