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28. He held out his fist before the young man and tried to anger him______.

  A. for purpose  B. on purpose   C. in purpose   D. from purpose


27._________was a time ________women had no rights to vote.

  A. There; when    B. There; that  C. It; when   D. It; that


26. When I met him last weekend, it was the first time we ______ each other since we were at school.

  A. saw               B. have seen            C. were seeing               D. had seen


25. The students listened carefully and ______ what their teacher said.

  A. set down           B. turned down          C. got down        D. calmed down


24. ---Are you going to the concert to be held in the hall?

  ---I’m afraid not. The ticket is _________ expensive for me.

  A. too much          B. far too      C. much too far          D. too much far


23. He has bought a new umbrella _____ get wet again if he is caught in the rain.

  A. in order not to      B. so as to not C. so that not       D. in order not that


22. We find ____ difficult to talk to him about anything serious.

  A. him                B. he          C. ourselves             D. it


21. --- It’s late. I must leave now.

  --- OK. ________.

  A. Thank you.  B. Don’t worry  C. I’m sorry for it   D. Take care


第二节 (共15题,每小题1分,满分15分)

听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从试题中所给出的A B C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。


6. What has happened to the clock?

  A. It has been mended.  

B. It has stopped working.  

C. It has been sent to the watchmaker’s.

7. What does the woman think of the man?

  A. She doesn’t believe he can mend the clock.

B. She thinks that the man had better mend the clock.

C. She thinks the man should send the clock to the watchmaker’s.


8. Where’s Jim?

  A. He’s in the office.  B. He’s at home.  C. He’s out.

9. What will Dave do later?

  A. He’ll come again  B. He’ll give Jim a phone call. C. He’ll wait for Sally’s phone call.


10. Where does the conversation take place?

  A. On the phone    B. In the street    C. In a shop

11. Where does the woman work?

  A. In a bank     B. In a hotel     C. In a school

12. What's the result of the conversation?

  A. The man got a receipt.

B. The man phoned the manager.

C. The man had his room changed.


13. In what season will the man take his vacation?

  A. Spring    B. Summer     C. Autumn

14. How long will the man be away from home?

  A. 10 days    B. 16 days      C. 60 days

15. Whom is the man going with for the holiday?

  A. His family   B. Emily      C. Florida

16. What do they plan to do during the travel?

  A. Boating and fishing  B. Camping and horse-riding   C. Swimming and shopping


17. How many girls joined in the trip?

  A.  Three       B. Four       C. Seven

18. Where did they want to stay?

  A. In a forest.      B. By a river.    C. In a field.

19. How long did they travel on foot?

  A. For four hours    B. For five hours   C. For several days

20. Why did the girl cry?

  A. Because they were all tired and hungry.

B. Because they ate up all the food.

C. Because they were away from home.



听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A B C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。

1. How are they going to the hotel?

A. By bike.      B. By taxi.      C. By bus

2. What is the man lookingfor?

A. A post office    B. A supermarket   C. A hosptial

3. What is the relationship between the two speakers?

  A. Teacher and pupil  B. Parent and child  C. Shop assistant and customer.

4. Where are the two speakers?

  A. In a private house.  B. In a non-smoking area.  C. In a farmhouse

5. What does the man want to have?

  A. French food    B. Chinese food    C. Japanese food

