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  Some people have very good memories, and can  41  learn quite long poems by ___42__ . There are other people who can only __43__ things that they have said again and again.

  A __44__ memory is a great help in learning a language. __45__ learns his own language by remembering __46__ he hears when he is a small child. Some children __47__in their own country, and they seem to learn two languages ___48__ as easily as one. In school it is not so easy to learn __49__ foreign language because students have so __50 __time for it and they are busy with other lessons, too.

  A man’s mind is rather like a camera, but it takes photos not only __51__ what we see but also what we feel , hear, smell and taste. When we take a real photo__52__a camera, there is much to do when the photo is finished and __53__to show to our friends. In the same way there is much work __54__ before we can keep a picture __55__ in our minds.

 41. A. easy           B. easily          C. interesting     D. interestingly

 42. A. heart             B. mind          C. memory       D. attention

 43. A. notice          B. recognize       C. remember       D. learn

 44. A. good           B. poor         C. rich            D. bad

 45. A. Nobody         B. Somebody      C. Everybody         D. Anybody

 46. A. that          B. which      C. /         D. what 

 47. A .live           B. don’t live     C. didn’t live      D. lived

 48. A. almost         B. mostly        C. nearby      D. hardly

 49. A. the           B. this          C. one        D. a

 50. A. much          B. little         C. many         D. few

 51. A. about          B. at          C. with          D. of

 52. A. as           B. for          C. of         D. with

 53. A. prepared        B. ready           C. clear        D. sure

 54. A. to be done      B. to be doing       C. having been done   D. being done

 55. A. up          B. on            C. ever           D. forever


40. The subway ________ in our city, and I’m sure there will be fewer traffic jams in the future.

A. is building     B. is built       C. will build       D. is being built


39. I want to talk to those students ______ homework hasn’t been handed in.

A. who      B. whose      C. of whom     D. of which


38. The lady ________my mother talked just now is our maths teacher.

A. whom     B. who       C. to that      D. to whom


37. ----I’m sure we'll win the game.


A. I couldn't agree more        B. Good luck  

C. Yes, you are right         D. Congratulation


36. I shall never forget the years ________ I lived in the country with the farmers, __________ has a great effect on my life.

 A. that; which  B. when; which   C. which; that  D. when; who


35. Eliza suggested that he __________ to see the doctor at once.

  A. went     B. go       C. goes        D. would go


34. Mother ________ Ann to ring back in half an hour.

A. told     B. asked to    C. talked to    D. spoke to


33. I was really worried about you. You________ home without a word. 

A. shouldn’t have left      B. mustn’t leave

C. couldn’t have left       D. needn’t leave


32. --- Can you _________ all the money that I should pay?

   --- Very sorry. Please wait a minute, madam.

  A. add       B. add to       C. add up   D. add up to

