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40. --What do you think of the play?

  --Oh, excellent! It’s worth     a second time.

A. seeing         B. to see            C. to be seen     D. being seen


39. The student    all the teachers were proud was accepted by Beijing University last year.

A. in whom       B. of whom         C. on whom     D. for whom


38. It is surprising that     little boy should have     much knowledge of science.

A. so, so          B. such a, such      C. so a, such   D. such a, so


37. She is a warm-hearted person      she spends a lot of time on volunteer work.

  A. in order that     B. in order to           D. so that       D. why


36. More attention should be paid     English.

  A. to speak        B. for spoken        C. to speaking    D. of speaking


35. Perhaps I’m not quite fit for the job, but    , please let me have a try.

  A. in fact         B. anyway          C. so          D. otherwise


34.     , all of you have grown into big boys or big girls.

A. As time going by                    B. As time past      

C. With time going by                  D. With time passed


33. She programs us with all the possible moves she has seen while     human games.

A. she watched      B. watching         C. watched      D. to watch


32.-- Are you familiar     the music?

  -- Yes. The music is very familiar      me, but I can’t remember when and where I heard it.

  A. with; with          B. to; to           C. with; to       D. to; with

