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35. The village is far away from here. It’s _____ walk.

A. a four hour      B. a four hour’s

C. a four-hours      D. a four hours’


34.-Some of the magazines are missing. Did you close the door before leaving?

  --Yes. I remember ______ it, for it remains _____.

A. to close, locked     B. closing, locked  

C. closing, locking     D. close,  being locked


33. The _____ boy was last seen _____ near the East Lake.

A. missing, playing     B. missing, play

C. missed, played      D. missed, to play


32._____is the best singer in your school?

A. Whom do you think    B. Do you think who

C. Do you think whom    D. Who do you think


31. At the age of seventeen Charlie Chaplin _____for the USA with a group of actors.

A. set in    B. set up    C. set off   D. set down  


30. The teacher was so angry at all ______he had done _____his face turned red.

A. that, that  B. what, that  C. that , what  D. what, what

