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35. ______ there is life, there is hope.

  A. Which  B. That   C. Where    D. \ 


34. The red flag ______the People’s Republic of China.

  A. stands for   B. representing   C. stood for  D. represents for


33. All the students climbed the mountain last weekend, _____ Peter.

  A. included   B. including  C. include  D. includes


32. She left a good______ on everyone working there when she left.

  A. impression    B. picture    C. deed    D. imagination 


31. ------How many students are there in your school?

  ------There are 2,000 students here _____.

  A. first of all  B. after of all   C. in all   D. at all


30. The reason _____ he didn’t come was ____he was ill.

  A. why; that   B. that; why   C. for that; that   D. for which; that


29. ----How much do I owe you for lunch?

  _____. It’s nothing.

  A. You are welcome  B. Forget it  C. With pleasure   D. That’s right


28. The house ___roof was damaged has now been repaired.

  A. who  B. whose  C. that   D. of which


27. My parents live in a tall building,_____faces to the blue sea.

  A. its window  B. and its window  C. and the window of which  D. the window of it

