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10. It still puzzles the science world why some mammals produce their young ______ and hatching while others _____ to young babies.

   A. lying eggs; giving birth          B. by laying eggs; by giving birth 

C. by laying eggs; give birth         D. laying eggs; giving birth


9.  Don’t worry yourself too much about the situation. _______ will get better _______.

A. Things; on time             B. Things; in time 

C.  The things; with time          D. The things; on time


8.  Everybody present at the party was shocked at her violent reaction ______ the young man’s presence.

A. with        B. to         C. for         D. by


7.  He has ______ his fortune many times since he began to deal in second-hand car business.

A. added to       B. created       C. multiplied      D. risen


6.  The constitution, unlike other forms of laws, is fundamental ______ our social system working properly.

A. for keeping     B. to keeping     C. to keep       D. with keeping


5.  Without the atmosphere _______ our earth from the sun, it _____ be too hot for any living things to live on.

A. to protect; would   B. protecting; will    B. protests; will    D. protecting; would


4.  Many environmentalists think that carbon dioxide is _______ for the global warming, which affects billions and billions of species across the globe.

A. blamed       B. to be blamed    C. to blame       D. blaming


3.  The scientists claimed( 声称) to _______ a jet plane that uses atomic energy as propelling _____, but they can’t produce an atom of evidence to prove it.

  A. design; power              B. have designed; power 

C. design; force               D. have designed; strength


2.  People in China ______ full freedom of religion but any religious group that is engaged ______ something illegal shall be dismissed

  A. like; in       B. enjoy; in      C. appreciate; to   D. are fond of; with



1.    Though great progress has been made in astronomy in the past fifty years, ______ still much that remains mysterious to astronomers _______ the universe, even the solar system.

A. It is; of       B. there is; about    C. It is; with      D. there is; with

