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10.  Always surrounded by honors, praises and gifts, young kids nowadays are easy to suffer psychological problems when things _____ them.

   A. come across     B. go against     C. go through     D. go without


9.  My father seems to have a natural gift _____ treating frostbites(冻伤). ______ , he is able to cure it.

   A. at; however serious a frostbite is       B. for; whatever serious a frostbite is

   C. with; however a frostbite is serious      D. for; however serious a frostbite is


8.  The worried general was looking at the map when the idea of the enemy’s attack might be launched ______dawn ______ his mind.

   A. at; crossed               B. at; to cross     

C. before; came across            D. after; went over


7.  Foreign visitors will be amazed ______ the art work of three cowboys on horseback ______ a crowd of cows back home along a road on the Rocky Mountains on one broad maple leaf.

   A. seeing; driving    B. to see; to drive    C. to see; driving    D. seeing; to drive


6.  It _______ this morning that two of the body guards of the prime minister got killed and the minister himself got ______ hurt in the violent car bomb explosion.

A. officially announced; slightly        B. was officially announced; lightly

C. was official announced; seriously       D. was officially announced; slightly


5.  The police were trying to _____ where the drug dealers were _____ it suddenly dawned upon them that they might be hidden somewhere 10 miles within the border between the two countries.

A. come out; when   B. make out; while    C. figure out; when   D. think out; since


4.  The wealthy are always wealthy and the poor are always poor. It is extremely difficult for the poor _____wealthy, _____ they struggle to their full abilities.

  A. becoming; even if             B. to become; even so  

D. becoming; if so              D. to become; even though


3.  As she was approaching the telephone booth at the street corner to make a call on a dark rainy night, a tall figure suddenly coming out of it terrified her, _____ that she screamed and started to run away.

A. too terrified     B. so terrified      C. such terrified    D. very terrified


2.  After visiting the harbor in the bay, they took a tour around the downtown area, ______ they visited many art galleries, shopping centers and had their lunch in a restaurant that served fancy foods.

A. which       B. as         C. where       D. what



1.  Canada is the only country that _____ an entire continent in the world, facing the Atlantic ____ the east.

A. makes up; on    B. covers; on      C. takes up; to     D. do up; in

