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 今年夏天你和同学参加了一次野外生存训练(wildness survival program)。请根据下表提供的信息,


1.    携带物品:指南针、帐篷、手电筒、地图、急救包、火柴、食品、和衣物等。
2.    途中翻过三座山,游过两条河。在穿越森林时迷了路,靠指南针你们找到了正确的方向。
3.    在营地,支起帐篷,自己生火、做饭。
4.    学习紧急救护。

注意:a) 词数100左右。

    b) 生词:指南针 compass, 手电筒flashlight, 急救包first-aid kit, 宿营地campsite

Unit five  Canada ---“The True North

1-25 BCBDC  DCADB  CCBAB  DBACC  ABADC26-30CDAAD  31-35ABDAD  36-40CDACA  41-45 ABDDA 46-50  CBABB  51-54 BDCC

55. Friends of life


57. most importantly/ above all/most important of all/first of all

58. No matter where we go or who we become, never forget who helped us get here.

59. A good friend should be the one who always helps you when you are in trouble or when you need him to do something useful to help you.

书面表达: 参考范文

One possible version

My classmates and I took part in a wildness survival program from July 10th to July 13th this summer.

  Before we started, we were equipped with a compass, a map, a first-aid kit, tents, flashlights, some food,

some clothes and so on. On the way we climbed three hills and swam across two rivers. We lost our way in

the forest. Luckily we found the right direction with the compass. As soon as we arrived at the campsite,

we put up our tents, made a fire and then started cooking. We also learned how to five first-aid.

  Through the program, we learned to use knowledge gained in class to solve problems. It was quite an

unforgettable experience for me.


25.  It is a tradition for the Chinese to ______ about the bush, which sometimes makes foreigners puzzle or misunderstand what you are saying.

   A. go   B. eat  C. beat  D. wander


24.  It is normal for kids to feel anxious and not to be able to ______ their studies just before a quiz or an examination. Parents should try their best to help them relax within their power.

   A. settle down   B. devote to  C. get down for   D. settle down to


23.  Friendship can’t be ________in terms of money but money is an effective means to ______ how strong the friendship is.

   A. measured; test  B. weighed; weigh  C. measured; measure  D. tested; measure


22.  Though difficult, I ________ him find a job, which made him very pleased.

   A. tried to help  B. managed to help  C. tried helping  D. succeeded to help


21.  The beautiful ________ beyond the mountain was so beautiful that the tourists couldn’t _____themselves away from it.

   A. scenery; tear   B. view; take   C. sight; keep   D. places of interest; pull

