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76.I felt very u_____ because my friend broke her promise.

77.What is your o____ about going outing tomorrow?

78.The little boy had such a bad a______ when the guests arrived that his mother told him to go to his room until he could be friendlier.

79.If someone has a good k______ of English,that means that he or she is good at English.

80.Someone who is e_______ has a high standard of learning.

81.Because what he did broke the law,he was s______ to three years in prison.

82.Too many hours in front of the television screen can ruin your p_____ health.

83.You know,Mary,you and I have one thing in c_____.We all have white skin.

84.A sudden change in the weather may a______ your health.

85.Ladies and gentlemen,may I have you're a______ please!Our plane will take off at gate three.

Please fasten your belt.


35.I have a collection of more than 1,000 stamps, ______ over twenty years old.

A.some of them.       B.some of which.     C.some of what.  D.some of whom


34. She ___ Robert for a year.

A.married      B.married with      C.has been marrying  D.has been married to


33.The last thirty years have ____ the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress,until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.

A.watched.  B.seen.   C.done.   D.made.

