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35. Emily could do nothing but ___ to her teacher that she did that. That is, Emily had no choice but ___ to her teacher that she did that.

A. to admit; admit                   B. to admit; to admit  

C. admit; admit           D. admit; to admit


34. I’m sorry I cannot go to the movie with you tonight. I’ll have an important meeting ___.

A. to attend         B. to be attended  

C. to be attending      D. to have attended


33. I met Bob at Jane’s birthday party and before that we ______ each other.

A. had never seen  B. did not see  C. have never seen  D. never saw


32. When the volcano ______, the farmers were working at the foot of the mountain.

A. was erupted   B. was broken out  C. has broken out  D. erupted


31.As we know, Beethoven is the greatest musician ________.

A. for all the time  B. of all time  C. by all times    D. at all times


30. The stranger said something in a ______ voice and the little girl was very much ______.

A. terrifying; terrified     B. terrified; terrified

C. terrifying; terrifying    D. terrified; terrifying


29. - Why don’t we use our natural resources and scenery(风景) to develop ______?

- Yes, that’s a good idea.

A. industry   B. business    C. project          D. tourism


28. - I want to go to the post office.

- _____ you are there, can you get me some stamps?

A. As          B. While     C. Because   D. Until


27. China is a _____ country _____ to the third world.

A. developed; belongs        B. developing; belonging 

C. developing; belonged       D. developed; belonged

