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32.     on the lonely island     more difficult than they had expected.

A. Survivor…proved                    B. Surviving…proved

C. Survival…was proved                D. To survive…proves


31. -How long     each other before they     married?

-For about a year.

A. have they known, get                 B. did they know, were going to get

C. do they know, are going to get        D. had they known, got


30. - Have you ever been to Australia?

- Never, but I have been looking forward _______ such a chance for further study there.

A. to give       B. to be given  C. to giving          D. to being given


29. -Shall I call you at 6 a.m., Toby? 

-No, not that early. I ____.

A. sleep                 B. will sleep        C. am sleeping          D. will be sleeping


28. In the coldest of the winter, trees stood with their bare branches(枝干)    the sky.

A. reaching for       B. reaching         C. reaching to      D. reaching in


27. Yang Liwei was picked from the 14 candidates for the Chinese space adventure and became China’s first astronaut _______ his great efforts.

 A. according to        B. as well as   C. due to         D. together with


26. Our school volleyball team has _____ their training to prepare for the coming match.

A. stepped up      B. stepped to     C. stepped into        D. stepped on


25. - Shirley won the first prize in the English speech contest.

  -Woo! ________ she has made since the beginning of this term!

A. What great progress         B. How great progress

C. What a great progress      D. How great a progress


24.The students were ____ over the ____ problem, listening to the teacher with a ____ expression on their faces.

A. puzzled; puzzling; puzzling            B. puzzled; puzzling; puzzled

C. puzzling; puzzling; puzzled            D. puzzling; puzzled; puzzling


23.The country life he was used to ____ greatly since 1992.

A. change      B. has changed          C. changing             D. have changed

