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28. _______ a boarding school would help students cultivate (培养) their independence while being away from their parents.   

A. Attending     B. Admitting    C. Applying      D. Attaching


27. - Oh, Mary! I ________ you.

- No surprising. The first time you met me, I was only a little girl. 

A. don’t recognize                B. hadn’t recognized

C. haven’t recognized           D. didn’t recognize


26. As his friends, we have made up our minds to do everything we can ___him get out of trouble.   

A. to help      B. help       C. helping     D. helped


25. The door opened and a big-eyed girl came in, carrying a cake with two _______ candles on it. 

A. lit        B. being lit     C. lighted        D. lighting


24. - _________

- The shoes don’t fit properly. They are hurting my feet.

A. Let me have a look.           B. I don’t feel well.

C. Where does it hurt?           D. What’s the matter? 


23. My old father began to study computer science at the age of sixty in order that he might ________ times.  

A. come up with    B. keep up with   C. end up with    D. put up with


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. 21. Mike ranked _____ first in track and fields and John got _____ first prizes in jumping. 

A. a; /         B. a; the       C. /; /         D. /; the  

22. _______ in this way can we save nature and animals, which is of great value to human beings.

A. Still        B. Just         C. Only       D. Yet 


2.第一卷答案请用铅笔涂写在答题卡上, 第二卷答题要求请看答题卷第1-2卷。

