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27. ---- Excuse me sir, where is Room 301?

  ---- Just a minute. I’ll have Bob ______ you to your room.

  A. show   B. shows   C. to show   D. showing


26. ---- Did you enjoy yourself at the party?

  ---- Yes. I have never been to ______ one before.

  A. a more excited    B. the most excited  

C. the most exciting   D. a more exciting


25. In the coal mine disaster, most of the workers were killed but John ______ have a narrow escape.

  A. could   B. would   C. was able to   D. can


24. ----- I am not good at dancing, you know.

  ---- ______. It’s just for fun.

  A. Come on   B. Don’t say so   C. What a pity   D. Cheer up


23. ---- What clothes should we wear to attend the ball?

  ---- Dress ______ you like.

  A. whatever   B. whichever   C. however   D. what


22. Washington, the capital of the United States, was named ______ one of the greatest American presidents.

  A. in honor of   B. instead of   C. in favor of   D. by means of


第一节  语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. Great changes ______ in my hometown.

  A. have been taken place    B. have taken place

  C. have been happened    D. are taken place

