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31.  Can you find a sentence situation _______ this phrase can be used? 

A. where        B. when        C. which       D. that


30. ---I think you should telephone Jenny and say sorry to her.

----______________. It’s her fault.    

A. Not possible      B. Not chance      C. No matter       D. No way


29. Trust him please! When he _______ reading it, he will return the book to you on time. 

  A. finish          B. will finish       C. has finished      D. finished


28. He is my father and I know he will forgive me for _______ I have done.  

  A. whatever       B. no matter what     C. no matter how      D. whichever 


27.   Charles is believed_______ the floor yesterday; he is always helping others silently. 

A.   to sweep      B. to have swept      C. having swept   D. swept


26.   The _____ of electricity added to our difficulty repairing the bridge.     

A. absence        B. short          C. need        D. break


25.   After her son died in a car accident, the old lady would sit at the window, ______ out and _______ in thought.  

A. looked; lost      B. looking; losing

C. looked; losing     D. looking; lost


24.   I found some old pictures at the back of my drawer which _____ memories of my childhood.      

A. called in       B. called up     C. called back      D. called off    


23.   I like the colour of the cap ______ I dislike its design.   

A. while         B. if           C. despite         D. as  


22.   It is believed that _____ European scientist invented _______.   

A. an; a television    B. a; a television     C. an; the television  D. a; the television  

