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27. ________ of the ________ life in the city, Mr Blaster, with his wife and daughter, moved to the countryside.

A. Tiring; boring     B. Tired; bored       C. Tiring; bored       D. Tired, boring


26. I think the student ought to be punished. He shouldn’t ________ cheating in the exam.

A. come up with     B. get away with      C. get away from      D. get along with


25. The boy ________ on the ground ________ to me that he ________ the book on the table.

A. lied; lied; laid     B. who lay; lied; laid   C. lying; lay; laid      D. lying; laid; lay


24. - Someone is knocking at the door. It _________ be Tom.

- No, it ________ be him; he has gone to Sydney.

A. must; can’t       B. might; mustn’t      C. may, neddn’t       D. can; mustn’t


23. “If anything ________ to the patient, let me know at once, please.” the doctor said to the nurse.

A. takes place       B. breaks out         C. comes about       D. happens


22. John was ________ with $ 5000 for saving five children from the burning building.

A. offered          B. awarded          C. rewarded          D. praised


21. - Jay Chou is in our city. Let’s go and watch his show this Saturday.

- That’s great, but I need to call my dad and ask for _________ before I go out.

A. permission       B. protection         C. invitation          D. explanation


20. There is only one day left for us in Hangzhou and we will have a ________ tour around the city.

A. brief            B. common          C. single            D. simple


19. It was in the hotel ________ the famous singer lived _______ she was killed.

A. which; that       B. that; where        C. where; which       D. where; that


18. He worked day and night, and finally his dream ________ a teacher ________.

A. of becoming; was come true             B. of becoming; came true

C. to become; came true                  D. to become; was come true

