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34. ______ is obvious that reading in bed does great harm to your eyes.

A. This         B. That            C. They            D. It


33. Anything ______ could be found has been used to repair the damaged bridge.

A. that          B. which          C. when            D. what


32. The concert last month was ______ that all the audience wanted to attend it once again.

A. so success      B. such success      C. so a success        D. such a success


31. ______ the stage design was terrible, the special effects were disappointing.

A. As          B. Unless         C. Although         D. As soon as


30. If there ______ no water or air on the earth, all living things would die.

A. is       B. were           C. are             D. will be


29. --Hello, I’d like to talk to Mr. Wang.

--______, please. He’ll be here in a moment.

A. Hang on      B. Help yourself      C. It’s my pleasure     D. Wait for me


28. Though _____ failure is the mother of success, everyone wishes to have ______ success.

A. 不填; a       B. the; a           C. a; a             D. 不填;不填


27. The teacher went for further study and he said he was ______ to come back the next week.

A. possibly       B. likely           C. perhaps          D. probably


26. Roylott was sitting on a chair, with his eyes ______ the window.

A. fixing on      B. were fixed to     C. fixed on          D. were fixing on


25. --Mum, I can’t do the washing on my own. It’s too difficult.

--All right. I ______ you with it.

A. am helping     B. am going to help  C. am to help         D. will help

