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25. Astronauts in a spaceship have to _______weightless conditions _______are quite different from ______are on the earth. 

   A. do with; which; those         B. deal with; that; that 

C. solve; that; what           D. face; which; these


24. - Can you answer my question?

  --Sorry, I____________ . Would you repeat that question?

   A. hadn't listened    B. haven't listened   C. don't listen   D. wasn't listening


23. Mary has lived in China for 3 years, so she ______ to the life here.

A. used  B. has got used  C. was used   D. got used


22. There was plenty of time. She ________ . A. mustn't have hurried  B. couldn't have hurried  C. must not hurry  D. needn't have hurried


21. -----________ he be watching TV now? ------Yes, he ________ be watching TV now.  A. Must, can       B. Can ,must       C. Can, can       D. May, must


20.Have you considered the students’ request _________ the school library _______ more books on popular science?

A. that ; provide       B. when ; provided  

C. which ; should provide   D. where; would provide


19.A person ______ e-mail account is full won’t be able to send or receive any e-mails.

A. who    B. whom        C. whose       D. whoever

