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22. Neither Tom nor his parents _____football.

A. liking    B. likes     C. like      D. are like


21. The singer, together with some of her fans, _____a song on the stage.

A. sing     B. sang    C. is singing     D. are singing


Section A

Directions In this section, you’ll hear six conversations .For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices. Listen to the conversation carefully and then answer the questions by marking A, B or C on the question booklet.

Conversation 1

1、What season is it?

A. Summer     B . Spring     C. Autumn

2、 How will the man go to the fair?

A . By bus     B. By taxi     C. On foot

Conversation 2

3、.How long has the man worked on the paper?

A、Three or four weeks   B. Five or six weeks  C. Three or four months

4、When should the paper be ready?

A  By the end of this week.    B. By the beginning of next week

C. By the end of next week

Conversation 3

5、How many jobs has the man taken?

A . 4         B.  2         C. 3 

6. Why didn’t the man want to be a conductor?

A. The train was too crowded.

B. The movement of the train made him sick.

C. He had to stand all day and his feet hurt.

Conversation 4

7.Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a university dining hall.

B. In a student center.

C. In a restaurant.

8. When does the man play bridge?

A. Every evening after dinner.    B. On Tuesdays    C. Only on weekends

9. How does the woman plan to spend the evening?

A. Playing cards with the man.

B. Going outside to get more exercise.

C. Doing things she really doesn’t how to do.

Conversation 5

10. When does the conversation take place?

A. On a hot summer morning.

B. On a cold winter morning.

C. On a cold winter afternoon.

11. What study are the findings based on?

A. A study of 100 babies aged 6 months to 3 years.

B. A study of 200 babies aged 3 months to 3 years.

C. A study of 100 babies aged 3 months to 3 years.

12. What has the woman learn from the man?

A. Babies feel more comfortable around other babies than with strange grown-ups.

B. Babies are likely to smile and reach out for their family members.

C. Babies are happier at home than at the nursery.

Conversation 6

13. What is the man going to do?

A. Help the woman with her study.

B. Have a train class.

C. Go home.

14. Which of the following does the woman agree?

A. Students should make full use of the school classes.

B. Students should attend training classes on the weekends.

C. Students should take a part-time job on the weekend.

15. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Mother and son    B. Teacher and student     C. Friends

Section B

Directions: In this section, you’ll hear a mini-talk. Listen carefully and fill in the numbered blanks with the information you’ve got. Fill in each blank with no more than 3 words. You’ll hear the talk twice.

Types of friend
Ways of dealing with them
Angry friends
If you know the reason for their anger, try to them and solve the problem 16
If you don’t know the reason for their anger, ask them to tell you the reason and try to sort out the 17
Make a(n) 18  apology to them for your fault; avoid apology when you’re right.
Mean friends
Tell them you’re not happy with their behavior.
Tell them you can’t 19  if they don’t change their behavior
Friends who use you
Refuse their favor when you feel you’re used.
Express your 20  honestly.




1.   表示感兴趣

2.   说明优势:知识面,英语水平,合作精神,相关经历

3.   希望得到回复


1.   词数:100左右

2.   可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯

Dear Sir or Madam,
















第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10 分)







I want to work as a tour guide after my graduation from college. The

 first reason is that I can devote myself for work after years of hard

learning. Be interested in my career, I will fix my mind on my job to

show my talent and make a contribution to the  society, but I can

realize the meaning of life. Secondly, I can make my dream of traveling

around the world came true. While experiencing difference cultures,

I will give my helping hands to who are in need of help along my way. 

Last, it was high time that I should shoulder the duties. I should do

something for my parents and other family member because they had been 

giving so much love to them while I was growing up.

