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39. Don’t try to cheat the taxman (税务人员); you’ll never ___________it.

A. get out of      B. get into              C. get along        D. get away with


38. ____________ was said at the meeting refers to all of you here.

         A. That           B. Which            C. What   D. Whether


37. - Who____________ it be that is knocking at the door? 

  - It ___________ be Father, but I’m not sure.

A. can; must       B. can; may           C. must; can        D. may; must


36. He ___________ on the bed___________ to his parents that blackbirds had __________ their eggs on Mars.

A. lay; lying; laid   B. lied; lied; lied         C. laid; laid; laid  D lying; lied; laid


35. - Will the sports meet be held on time?

       - It’s hard to say now. ___________.

         A. That’s ok      B. Never mind          C. It depends      D. It doesn’t mind


34. Who prevented their plans from __________?

A. carrying out                      B. to be carried out    

C. having carried out                   D. being carried out


33. ___________it is a good solution depends on how you look at it.

          A. That         B. What             C. Whether          D. Why


32. He was punished because he couldn’t ___________ his absence from school.

         A. result in      B. account for      C. settle down       D. win back


31. - Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?

       - Thank you. ___________.

         A. It couldn’t be better                 B. Of course you can 

         C. If you like                   D. It’s up to you

