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27. Some people think clowns are only funny for children. _____________ , they can help people forget their problems, at least for a short moment.

   A. Actually     B. Especially     C. Probably      D. Surely


26. A smile can help us _____________ difficult situations and find new friends in a world of strangers.

  A. get across   B. get through          C. get out        D. get off


25. We should all remember that some great scientific discoveries _____________ by chance.

  A. gained      B. discovered      C. occurred     D. earned


24. I had only a few _____________ with Miss Gao, though we work in the same school.

  A. laughter      B. handshakes     C. amusement        D. contacts


23. In case it thunders, we’d better _____________ the electricity at once and turn off the TV.

  A. cut in      B. cut off        C. cut down      D. cut away


22. He is such a _____________ teacher that he knows what his students need.

  A. practical     B. humorous         C. mild            D. typical


第一节: 多项选择 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


21. Captain James Cook took _____________ of the islands in 1769 and from that time British people started to settle in New Zealand.

  A. notice      B. hold             C. possession    D. care


120. It remains doubtful whether this is an important discovery. ________________.

