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32. I’m considering ________a washing machine, which is considered ________a great help to my wife. 

   A. buying; to be      B. buying; being     C. to buy; being     D. to buy; to be


31. Wind _______ electricity widely in many parts of the world.

  A. is used to produce                    B. is used to producing     

  C. used to produce                        D. used to producing


30. You can’t imagine _______ girl can do _______ housework.

    A. so little a, so much                    C. so little, so much

    C. such a little, such much                 D. such little, so much


29. He recommended us ________ English every day.

    A. read             B. to read               C. reading           D. should read


27. Come and see me whenever ________.

   A. you are convenient                   B. you will be convenient

   C. it is convenient to you              D. it will be convenient to you           28. At the meeting, they discussed different ________ to the study of physics.

   A. ways             B. means            C. methods           D. approaches             


26. To the _______ of the manager, there are so many people who are _______ with the products made in his company.

   A. satisfy, satisfied                    B. satisfaction, satisfied 

   C. satisfying, satisfied                 D. satisfaction, satisfying


24. While shopping, people sometimes can’t help ________ into buying something they don’t really need.

   A. persuade        B. persuading       C. being persuaded    D. to be persuaded     25. Education _______ white settlers only in Australia in the past. The natives could not go to school.

   A. intended for        B. intended to        C. was intended for        D. was intended to


23. We should avoid ________ untrue claims about the products or services.

   A. falling behind      B. falling for     C. to fall behind    D. to fall for


22. The country life he was used to ________ greatly since 1992.

  A. change        B. has changed      C. changing        D. have changed


21. The boy ________ on the playground _______ to me that he _______ my coat on the grass.

   A. lay, lying, had laid                B. lied, laying , had laid 

   C. laid, lay, had lain                D. lay, lied, has laid

