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35. ―May I take your order now?


―OK, I’ll come back in a few minutes.

A. No, we need more time.               B. Could you bring us the bill?

C. Yes, here it is. Thank you.              D. Sure, we’d love to.


34. ―Did you hear the news this morning?

   ―Oh, yes, ________ was announced on the radio has caused great excitement among pupils.

A. that     B. which     C. something         D. all that


33. _______ his son away to college, the old couple got more room in the house.

  A .As     B .For      C. Through      D. With


32. My parents have always made me ____ about myself even when I was twelve.

  A.feeling well  B.feeling good  C.feel well      D.feel good


31. "Could we put off the meeting?" she asked.

  "___________,"he answered politely. This is the only day everyone is available.

 A. Not likely   B .Not exactly  C. Not nearly     D. Not really


30. Little women is said _______ into several languages already.

 A.that was translated       B. that it was translated 

 C. to be translated        D. to have been translated


29. To learn English well, we should find opportunities to hear English ______ as much as we can.

 A. speak.    B.be spoken   C. spoken      D. to speak


28. The little boy came ___________ the direction of his mom.

  A. running to   B.ran towards  C.running in     D. to run towards


27. Sometimes it was a bit boring to work there because there wasn’t always_____ much to do.

A. such    B. that     C. more        D.very

